How long will Google last?


New Member
Just wanted to know how long you all think Google will last and maybe also discuss the problems with Google and if it will ever overcome them.For instance, are the open-source descriptions of its algorithms (e.g., Stanford paper) a good thing? Or does this just make it easier for 'spammers' and search engine optimizers to artificially improve their results?Do you think Google as a company will be able to change to the demands of the future? For instance, sooner or later a one-dimensional listing of results will be replaced by other methods (like a hierarchical search that intelligently refines your search terms based on what you want).Do you find some of the results are degrading in quality?I think Google stands to be around for a while but I don't think it will necessary always dominate the market.AaronI really think it will be around for ever! well no nothings will be here for ever but for a long time at leastforever, google is the best, and nothing less.Nothing lasts forever, how many times have we seen sites that where number one slip. The Internet is cyclical and google is not going to remain number one forever.I do believe it will be sticking around for some time though. Hopefully when they go public they do not start making bad choices since money hungry ceo's and investors might start corrupting the company.I voted 10 years, I strongly believe that somebody will invent a new SE with more possibilities and options.greetz,BartI was wondering if people had any new thoughts on Google since the last controversial update.The florida update at least showed that Google will undergo drastic measures to fight spam, but aren't immune to the occasional slip-up.I doubt they'll die or go bankrupt, for a long time. Look at Altavisita they lost their main user base BUT are still alive, even though they're owned by Yahoo, thru Overture.IMO Google is very similar to Ebay. Either can be number one for just about as long as they want to be. The only thing that can take down Google at this point is...well.....Google.I voted 10 years until it becomes another ghostsite like Altavista and Lycos.As many of you will know that Yahoo will be ditching Google for Inktomi. This wont have a major effect on UK sites but will effect the USA greatly. This is a bit of a concern to me at the moment dynamic ASP pages are not spidered compared to PHP but I think this could just be an small oversight by Inktomi that they will fix.Inktomi is too young but IMO technically clever'er (?) than Google. I have studied it and can say it bases some of its rank on the incoming links but unlike Google that uses link text Inktomi actually reads the BOLD / Large or heading text from the referring page! This is superb and something Google does not do for reasons I can only presume are technical