How do I create the actual database?


I have <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> for a host and it says they support sql. My question is how do I create teh database? There isnt anything in the control panel that lets me create a database, so how would I go about doing it?Oh wow! I jsut stumbled accross the answer on my own, the sql database creation wasnt in the control panel, I have to request one. Thanx anyways to anyone who may have posted.yes, 9 time sout of 10 you have to request it and they create it and give you the username and password and the table name.

glad you found the answer :)No WONDER! I couldn't ever figure out how to get started so I finally changed to a host that had no serverside **anything** so that I wouldn't have to worry about it.Another way to create a database is to install PHPmyadmin on the webhost and use that to do the job.It was already there. I couldn't find any help on how to use it.