How can I allow HTML in a whitelist with PHP


New Member
I know there is a lot of discussion for years on best methods of filtering data with PHP but I would like to go the whitelist approach in my current project.I only want a user to be able to use the following HTML \[code\]<b>bold</b><i>italics</i><u>underline</u><s>strikethrough</s><big>Big size</big ><small>Small size</small>Hyperlink <a href="">website</a>A Bulleted List:<ul><li>One Item</li><li>Another Item</li></ul>An Ordered List:<ol><li> First Item</li><li> Second Item</li></ol><blockquote>Because it is indented</blockquote><h1>Heading 1</h1><h2>Heading 2</h2><h3>Heading 3</h3>\[/code\]Can anyone show me the best method of doing this for performance in PHP? I have only in the past allowed all html minus certain codes