Help with Network Solutions / Valueweb


New Member
I registered a domain through Valueweb, a Netsol reseller (One day long long ago, when I was not very informed), and am now unable to transfer it. The only thing that Valueweb can offer me, is to remove the domain from their resellers bulk account and transfer it to Network Solutions. (That costs $3 even if you're not renewing) And then I would have to renew with Netsol for about $30/year. (Because the domain expires in about 45 days). If I don't do that transfer, I renew with Valueweb for about $30 too. All I want to do is transfer to Godaddy or Omnis or one of the registrars that charge $8/year. Does anyone have any experience with Valueweb/Netsol and how make them remove the REGISTER_LOCK status from the domain? Thanks in advance for any advice you can offfer.