{Help} Need More Help .. Please


New Member
Hi , once again sorry for my inexperience.

Im making a forum , and i need a few paypal things.

I need a form or something , where the users can type in their username and amount and doate it towards the forum. With this i can priveledge them with VIP access. Is their any plugin whcih does this or anything similar or do i need to create a paypal business account and make forms like that?

I prefer and add on.
thanks in advance , Rep + For any helpful advice.



New Member
Adding or Editing a Paid Subscription
To add a Subscription, click Subscriptions > Add New Subscriptions. You will be presented with a screen like this:

Title – Subscription title.
Description – a short description which can be used to describe what the subscription offers.
Active – if checked users will be able to subscribe to this Subscription.
Tax – if checked tax will apply to a payment made to the user, this is mainly for Paypal.
Shipping – if checked shipping information will be required with the payment information.
Primary Usergroup – the primary usergroup that the subscription should change, this is not always required.
Additional Usergroups – the secondary usergroups that the user joins on subscription.

The access masks for a user may also be changed so that the user may gain access to a private forum.


Cost and length are now a seperate entity within the Subscription Manager so that a single Subscription can have multiple lengths and payment amounts, there is also the ability to add a recurring subscription.

The screen is as follows:


Subscription Length – the length before the subscription lapses, note PayPal has a limit of 100 days for recurring subscriptions.
Recurring – if checked any future subscriptions created will be recurring.

Do not change the cost of a Subscription if a recurring payment is currently in use, these payments will fail to update.
Do not set a Paypal subscription to greater than 100 days. Use the months or years options to set subscriptions greater than 100 days.