[HELP!!!]Monthly Bandwidth Transfer is now red...:(


New Member
its this a problem?
in my cpanel
Monthly Bandwidth Transfer is now red...:(
And i dont know how to fix it...
is this bad for me?
40574.1/50000 MB

if anyone know,whats this,or how to fix,please hurry tell me...

P L E A S E!!!!


New Member
It means that your site is going down if it get to be more than you are allocated for the month. With luck your site traffic won't spike over the next three days when the counters reset. I am on a reseller and can change the bandwidth allocations for my account but I think you might have to contact your ISP support if it actually goes down to have them bump it for you.


New Member
thank u very much...i contact my host and they tell to bye extra Bandwidth...
thanks very much..


New Member
also, next time, try to read the forum description, this is not the place for technical help for your hosting...