"Got error 28" and MySQL 3.23.32


New Member
Hi. I posted a thread before on this but i thought i should start a new one.

I have my site working on a host using MYSQL 3.23.32.
The problem is that a script returns "Got error 28 from table handler". Error 28 means disk full.
However this is not the case because i can do inserts in the db.
And the script is ok. Tested on 3.23.49

The script is divided into sections according to the request. Most requests behave normally except one that gets me the error 28.

I found out that the problem is in the following query:

"SELECT it.item_id as item_id, it.item_code as item_code FROM items AS it, item_categories as ic
WHERE ic.cat_id = '3' AND it.item_id = ic.item_id AND it.activate = 'Yes'
ORDER BY it.item_code
LIMIT 0, 10 "

If i remove the ORDER BY then it works. Is there something i should know about 3.23.32 and ORDER BY? I couldn't find anything in the manual.
I'm using ORDER BY in all my scripts without any problems.

In the browser i get the error 28. In MySQL Front i just don't get any results.
What's wrong?

Thanks in advance.
