$.getJSON not working on Mac OS 10.8?


New Member
Here's my code, which was working fine a few months ago:\[code\]$.getJSON("php/loadSites.php", function(result){ console.log("LOADING QUERY..."); $.each(result.Sites, function(i,v){ site_list_array.push('<li class="site" id='+v.Site.plant_code+'> <b> '+v.Site.plant_code + '</b> ' + v.Site.city +'</li>'); //build small array for the sidebar sites.push(v.Site); // build large array of all site data }); $('#site_list').html(site_list_array.join('')); // dynamically update the webpage with the results of the query });\[/code\]...and for some reason today, it just fails to execute? (It won't even display the 'loading query' line to the console log.) It doesn't throw any error messages...it simply seems to be ignoring everything inside the $.getJSON call. The only thing that has changed was I updated the server to Mac OS 10.8. Anyone else experience this?