Firing nested model events in Backbone.js


New Member
Problem: When I'm trying to fire any child event (Files), the parent's event is fired with it (Files).My relation is like this: \[code\]Project ---> (Many)Files(If is only folder) ---> (Many)Files and so on(If is only folder)\[/code\]My idea is to construct folder tree using Backbone.Js. My code as follows:\[code\](function ($){//Models ********************************************************************window.Project = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults : { state : "collapsed" }, initialize : function(){ this.files = new Files ; //this.files.url = "rest/operations/files/0.json"; this.files.url = this.get("project_id")+"/rest/operations/files/0.json"; //this.files.fetch(); } , isCollapsed : function (){ return (this.get("state") === "collapsed"); }, isExpanded : function(){ return (!this.isCollapsed()); }, collapse : function(){ this.set({ 'state' : 'collapsed' }); }, expand : function(){ this.set({ 'state' : 'expanded' }); }});window.File = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults : { state : "collapsed" , }, initialize : function(){ //if(this.isItHasChild() && this.isItFolder()){ //check the child from the server if(this.isItFolder()){ //means has files as child this.files = new Files ; //this.files.url = "rest/operations/files/"+this.get("file_id")+".json"; //this.files.url = this.get("project_id")+"/rest/operations/files/"+this.get("file_id")+".json"; //test this.files.url = this.get("project_id")+"/rest/operations/files/0.json"; //this.set({"modelCid" : this.cid}); } }, isItHasChild : function (){ return (this.get("isHasChild")); }, isItFolder : function(){ return (this.get("is_folder")); }, isCollapsed : function (){ return (this.get("state") === "collapsed"); }, isExpanded : function(){ return (!this.isCollapsed()); }, collapse : function(){ this.set({ 'state' : 'collapsed' }); }, expand : function(){ this.set({ 'state' : 'expanded' }); }});//Collections *************************************************************window.Projects = Backbone.Collection.extend({ //find a way to load the project number model : Project, url : "1/rest/operations/projects.json"});window.Files = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model : File});//Views **********************************************************************$(document).ready(function(){ window.ProjectView = Backbone.View.extend({ template : _.template($("#project-template").html()), initialize : function(){ _.bindAll(this,'render','expand','collapse','renderFile','btn_clicked'); //this.template = _.template($("#project-template").html()); this.model.files.bind('reset',this.render); } , events : { 'click .project_btn_expand_collapse' : "btn_clicked" } , render : function(){ //console.log(this.model.cid); $(this.el).html(this.template(this.model.toJSON())); this.model.files.each(this.renderFile); return this ; } , btn_clicked : function(){ //alert(this.model.cid+" "+this.model.get('state')); if(this.model.isCollapsed()){ this.expand(); }else { //this.collapse(); } }, expand : function (){ this.model.files.fetch(); this.updateState(); } , collapse : function (){ this.model.files.reset(); this.updateState(); }, updateState : function(){ if(this.model.isCollapsed()){ this.model.expand(); } else { this.model.collapse(); } }, renderFile : function (file){ var view = new FileView({ model : file , id : file.cid , }); this.$("ul").append(view.render().el); } }); window.FileView = Backbone.View.extend({ template : _.template($("#file-template").html()), tagName : 'li', events : { "click" : "btn_clicked" }, initialize : function(){ _.bindAll(this,'render','expand','collapse','renderFile','btn_clicked'); console.log(this.model.cid); //if(this.model.isItHasChild() && this.model.isItFolder()){ //as what we have said before we have to check the server if(this.model.isItFolder()){ this.model.files.bind('reset',this.render); } }, render : function(){ //console.log(this.model.cid); $(this.el).html(this.template(this.model.toJSON())); this.model.files.each(this.renderFile); return this ; }, btn_clicked : function(){ alert(this.model.cid+" "+this.model.get('state')); if(this.model.isCollapsed()){ this.expand(); }else { //this.collapse(); } }, renderFile : function (file){ var view = new FileView({ model : file , id : file.cid , }); $(this.el).append("<ul></ul>"); this.$("ul").append(view.render().el); }, expand : function (){ this.model.files.fetch(); this.updateState(); }, collapse : function (){ this.model.files.reset(); this.updateState(); }, updateState : function(){ if(this.model.isCollapsed()){ this.model.expand(); } else { this.model.collapse(); } } }); //run the application ********************************************************************************* window.IDEHTML5 = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes : { "" : "index", ":id" : "getProjectID" }, initialize: function(){ }, getProjectID : function(id){ alert(id); }, index : function(){ var projects = new Projects(); projects.fetch({ success : function(){ var project =; this.project_view = new ProjectView({model : project}); $("#container").html(this.project_view.render().el); }, error : function(){ } }); } }); //run the application window.App = new IDEHTML5(); //Backbone.history.start({pushState: true}); Backbone.history.start();});})(jQuery);\[/code\]