Facebook javascript api and iPad, Android


New Member
I am try to use FB.login method from facebook javascript SDK .Everything is ok on desktop browsers. But I have a problem with iPad and Android (motorola xoom).\[code\]unable to post message to recipient has origin www.facebook.com\[/code\]how it can be resolved ?I am trying to publish a message to the user wall\[code\]FB.login(function(response) { if (response.authResponse) { log("Info: login successfully"); fbPublish(); } else { log('User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.'); } });\[/code\]and when in fbPublish\[code\]function fbPublish(){ log("Debug: fbPublish"); FB.ui({ method: "stream.publish", attachment: { name: uatitle.format(myChoice.question, myChoice.answer), href: document.location.href, media:[{"type":"image","src":"http:.....","href":document.location.href}] }, action_links: [{ text: 'Vote yourself', href: document.location.href }] }, function(response) { if (response && response.post_id) { log('Post was published.'); } else { log('Post was not published.'); } } ); }\[/code\]so , as I said on desktop everything ok / new post is published successfully . but I have an error on mobile devices