Expanding Vertical Space Issue with Floated Elements


New Member
I have a layout that requires a list of items to be organized into two vertical columns. The items are in a single list of \[code\]<div>\[/code\]s, with the markup also being re-purposed for mobile, so I don't want to modify the structure.The problem I have here is that each item has an expanding content area which the user can toggle, and when this content is expanded the vertical space for that column needs to expand downward with the other column staying fixed.Right now I have a basic solution with floated items, but when I expand the content areas the vertical space expands in both columns instead of just the one.Here's a link to an example of the functionality as I have it now, and below is a screenshot of what the desired behavior should be.
Is it possible to style this to support the required behavior? Or am I going to have to modify the structure of items in order to get this to work? Thanks in advance for your help!