Enlighted Moderation:a solution or another Problem


In the present scenario we are frequently witnessing the use & projection of the term "Enlighted Moderation"by the Govt side.The term literally means a moderate attitude that will take us out of the abyss of ignorance and extremism & will make us more knowledgeable.<br />
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In a country like Pakistan where corruption & poverty are strangling our nation,where unemployment & illiteracy are prevailing on a large scale,where inflation has snatched away the basic rights of people,where in distant villages,what to talk of medical facilities,even peramedics unavailable,where youth is straggling for they have less options,where still we are unable to meet the electricity needs of our people,this Enlighted moderation merely sounds an ampty slogan.The policy of moderation that is meant to combat and root out extremism gave birth to more extremists.<br />
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No doubt,after 9/11 muslims were targetted by west and are still a victim of their castigation,there has to be a policy or visoin that will remove their doubts.but inspite of countless efforts made on the basis of enlighted moderation by our gov to please them,west is still unsatisfied and says more efforst are required.<br />
Now it is beyond my understanding what more they want: we helped them in the war against terrorism as much as we can and offered them our land against Taliban,many of our civil and army men were expired in Balochitan& our people suffered on their deaths and were in a state of confusion to whom they sympathise,women were given plums of offices just to prove how moderate we are,take U-turn on Kashmir and on other political fronts surprisingly on education also and modified our carriculam that is filled with objectionable stuff that can spoil innocent minds just to please the Rulers of our rulers.<br />
But at the end we gained nothing practically.<br />
then dont u think this moderation istead making us enlighted has made us more ignorant,ignorant of our true essence.<br />
i would like to finish by saying islam is already a moderate religion that makes its true followers enlighted.instead of cajoling others we should have a vision that truely can project our viewpoits as well as that can bring us out of an awkward situation on internation level.