Empire-hosting.net 3 month review!


New Member
I have been with Empire-Hosting/Empire-Tech/Lowesthost (delete as applicable) for about 3 months now, and their managed hosting has been a massive asset to me. I bought a cPanel server with loads of powerful spec etc for hosting ,and since i got it, at an amazing price, they have support me all the way. They redid the boot sequence, repaired a problem with HTTPD, fixed everything that i couldnt for my clients, as well as installing and supporting all the scripts i ever needed on ti.Their prices are great, and support ticets are 24/7, with the max wait time being about 20mins for me :DThey truly were excellent, i had a VPS with them before, and that was awesome too. I never had any problems, so this is all positive!!!=Dwww.empire-hosting.netWhat site are you using with them?
I did a search up on: Scorpiox.org
Both name servers are from RJ-HOSTINGS.COM

Also I havnt found any kind of "server management" on their site or order form information what so ever.HeyNice to see some people are awake :DI use cmxtserver.com on my server with them, which is the company i am in the process of selling. All their fully dedicateds come fully managed, although i guess i could be in the wrong forum :S Sorry if im wasting you time though..Scorpiox.org is actually hosted with PHP community, rj-hostings is just a convenient way to make the nS point to Germany - they were having problems with it :pEmail me about cmxtserver.com @ Frimon86 -@- Hotmail.com
I can now see that cmxtserver.com is infact with Empire-Hosting.Net

Now that we got that taken care of...
I hope that you countinue to enjoy great service with them and hopefully as they grow they will counitnue to expand their captivity so that way you will always get low response times. Thanks for taking the time to write the review and show clearification that you are a client. Not many people take the time to write a review for a company they are happy with so again thanks for that!

Good luck! :) Let us know how it goes in 3 more months, I'll be ah-searchin.It is indeed. The sale is just about complete, we are sorting out the "little bits" that go with it, ie licensing and so on..I will ensure we let everyone know what happens in 3 more months :DGreat look forward to it.
As far as the sale goes, good luck and if it fails you know how to reach me.OH!! You were interested? Ok, ill let you know if somethign goes wrong, otherwise, im selling for other companies, so if more come into view, ill let you know =DThanks for sure:)