embed controls=??


can I know all the possible values of the attribute CONTROLS, which is an attribute of EMBED?<!--content-->Dear all,<br />
Let me make my question clearer.<br />
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When I want to make my video played in an HTML document, I need an HTML tag - embed, right?<br />
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I can use different attributes of 'embed' to indicate different aspects of the video to be played, including, for example, 'volume' to control the volume of the video and 'src' to indicate the source file.<br />
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I know there is an attribute 'controls' which is used to show the control panel of the video to be played. There are different ways to show the control panel and the value of this attribute 'controls' decides the way.<br />
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So I would like to know what values could I choose about the attribute 'controls'.<br />
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Thx all of you guys!<!--content-->As far as I know there are several attribute values<br />
<br />
i.e<br />
<br />
CONTROLS = <br />
"playbutton" or/and<br />
"pausebutton" or/and<br />
"stopbutton" or/and<br />
"volumelever"<br />
<br />
Hope this helps<br />
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