"does row exist"


Staff member
I'm still getting nowhere with this. Wondrin' if anyone else has ideas. THis is where I'm at:
$server = "*****";
$user = "*****";
$pass = "******";
$db = "******";
$connection = mysql_connect($server, $user, $pass);
$query = "select id from test_auth where username='$presentuser'";
$checker = mysql_db_query($db,$query,$connection);

echo $checker;

now, my test_auth table is so stupidly simple. Username is tester, password is tester, id is 1701. so in theory, $checker should have the value of 1701 by the time it's done, right? well, it's returning

Resource id #2

it's really quite annoying.

My ultimate goal here is to password protect an area of my site by using mySQL table of usernames and passwords. So the page's PHP will go to the table, see if the user name exists, and if it does, check the password, if it matches, let the user it.

any ideas? thanks.