Do you think the reason many women are depressed after they get an abortion...?


New Member because society in general is telling her that she did something wrong? There are ads, websites, and people preaching in the streets about abortion being wrong. There are fights against it everywhere, pieces of paper even put on our windshields about the evils of abortion.<br />
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So might that be the reason why many women regret having an abortion? Because so many people then shun her and treat her in a miserable way, and because many parts of society call her evil and wrong for what she did?<br />
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Furthermore, if women weren't constantly told how bad and evil abortion is, do you believe that fewer would be depressed about it? If society treated it as a norm instead of a deviation, how would that affect a woman's thoughts before and after her abortion?<br />
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(This question isn't to talk about the act of abortion itself. I don't want any arguments about right and wrong, just an answer and discussion of the actual question at hand. Thank you.)<br />


New Member
i think its society and all the religion ppl telling them that its worng its like Hollywood being fat at to them is bad thing because of society


New Member
Thbat women are depressed after abortions is pure anti-choice propaganda. Study after study shows that the vast majority of women who have had abortions feel nothing but relief.


New Member
You want everyone to agree with you which isn't going to happen. We all have a conscious placed in us for a reason. Disposing of a life is wrong, even if the one pregnant is the only one who knows about it. There is a price to pay for going against what God has intended. I would not criticize anyone for doing it. I would offer a way to help them to the one who can help their brokenness. Adoption is always a solution without resorting to taking a life. Since when is society dictating my feelings or anyone else's?


New Member
A friend I had many years ago had 3 abortions when she was quite young.

In later years as she saw her three living children grow, she questioned why she had chosen only to have those three.

Without benefit of propaganda, this preyed upon her mind the rest of her life.

I never heard anyone sit in judgement of her, only her upon herself.


New Member
I think you're right... if society saw abortion as normal, quite likely a woman might have less qualms of conscience about it.

However, I think it is possible that there may also be something innate within us that leads us to try and become selfless individuals, who value the common good above our own personal desires. That also may be affecting feelings of guilt. You also have the natural drive of the species, to value new life. This also could be an innate source of guilt to women who abort, and also something that molds society's values.

Some cultures are not so violently against abortion as what you see in America. I mean, Scandanvian countries seem to be very permissive about everything. It might be interesting to see how this question would affect women from those countries? Do women in more secular countries still experience this guilt and depression to the same degree? Do they still experience the remorse or grief from the loss, even if their consciences say there is nothing wrong with abortion - ie it's just a choice?


New Member
There is the society part but I lean more towards the hormones. Hormones would play a big role depending how long the pregnancy went and how or which abortion procedure was used. Also think about women who gets depressed because of a miscarriage or post partum depression.

They all have the same thing happen; they were pregnant and then they aren't. These depression normally go away very soon and some women don't even have a hint of it, but I can see how society making a person feel quilty would prolong it or make it worst.


New Member
I don't think it has a single thing to do with what "society" thinks about it. I think it has everything to do with your body and your instincts telling you you just did something wrong... or, at least you departed with something you were attached to. Even women who have been violated and have gotten pregnant from a rape can feel the pain of the loss when an abortion is performed. It's about your natural instincts and your body responding to something unnatural. It's not like getting a tooth pulled! It creates a sense of loss, and sometimes an overwhelming sense of guilt, that often leads to serious emotional damage. Many times counseling is the only way to recover...and even that isn't always enough. It's certainly nothing to take lightly!


New Member
I think allot of the depression felt is due to hormone changes in their bodies.
I believe that once you make up your mind to do something,you must live with the outcome and it is not anyone else's business what you decide to do with your body. It is up to you to go forward or live in the past with regrets.That is why you must really think hard and long before you jump into doing things.


New Member
Not being a woman, my answers are hypothetical, of course.

I think a form of post-partum depression is at work.

No doubt there is some guilt and a sense of opportunity lost.

And I understand it's not the easiest of procedures to go through.