Database is read-only


New Member
I got this error.How can I resolve this error?\[code\]Failed to update database "msdb" because the database is read-only.Could not insert a backup or restore history/detail record in the msdb database. This may indicate a problem with the msdb database. The backup/restore operation was still successful.Processed 184 pages for database 'BakupDB', file 'BakupDB' on file 1.Processed 2 pages for database 'BakupDB', file 'BakupDB_log' on file 1.\[/code\]*Sorry for the bad question.I also get this Error:\[code\]Unable to open the physical file "C:\Users\geert\Desktop\C#proj\App_Data\ASPNETDB.MDF". Operating system error 32: "32(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105)". Cannot attach the file 'C:\Users\geert\Desktop\C#proj\App_Data\ASPNETDB.MDF' as database 'ASPNETDB'. \[/code\]This is my DB: