CSS specificity issue for div, span, a, etc


New Member
I want to override another style sheet and set the float for all elements to none. If I use 'div, span, a' as the selectors or even 'body div, body span, body a', it doesn't override the previous class selector. I could use !important but this isnt great for obvious reasons.\[code\].class { float: left;}/* my overide */div, span, a { float: none;}\[/code\]Note- in the code ive only shown the class of 'class', but actaully their are many classes and id's. Is there a way to do this without using !important? The reason im doing this is im mobile optimizing my site with media queries. I need to remove absolute positioning, floats, etc for all elements, but then i will want to add some of these styles to specific elements. Thanks