Coppermine 1.4.12 Fresh Install


I have done a fresh install of Coppermine 1.4.12 to start from the beginning again, wasn't a problem as it has been basically blank for a while anyway.<br /><br />So first off, I did the Fantastico 1.4.10 install and then ftp'd the new files from 1.4.12 up over the top as per the instructions of Coppermine upgrading. When setting up the albums etc, discovered had several pages where I got error pages where I shouldn't have, like albums, my albums, members list etc so I decided to just delete the whole lot again, and start just with the 1.4.12 script files and go through doing the install manually.<br /><br />Well after that, I logged in and setup some albums. Decided to try the registration process and a problem I have struck is that the email notification after I receive the email telling me someone registered and clicking on the link takes me to my gallery and then tells me that an email has been sent to the new registrant, but they don't receive it. So I thought this might be because they used Hotmail as that has changed a lot over the past 6 months or so and deletes emails that seem to be spam.<br /><br />Well after that I used one of my main email address for my ISP and again never received the email about acceptance as a member. So I thought OK, maybe the SMTP settings need to be setup, so I set them up as per normal email address as in using and using the administrator email address as username and password. But still not working. So I left them blank again as per normal setup.<br /><br />So I tried sending to one of my domainname accounts and got it to sort of work.<br /><br />Having a look on Coppermine forum this seems to be a problem not just for one person but quite a few.<br /><br />Suggestion was not to have Admin Activation and Email activation both turned on, but I have tried, it all ways. I want to basically not have someone just register and get an email that allows them to activate, but vet who is registering and allow who I want, so I can maybe cut down on bot registrations.<br /><br />Anyone struck this problem and resolved it. I thought it might have something to do with the changes to the email system that TCH has recently been setting up on all the servers.<!--content-->
You might want to try the coppermine site itself. <a href="" target="_blank"></a><!--content-->
Already done that, that is why I came here, as it might be related to the changes with the mail system, but after discussions with Andy, probably not by the looks of it.<!--content-->