Closing Parent Window

Closing Parent Window

HI there...
I'm actually trying to close the very first page that opens when I get into the site.
This page (plain html) confronts me with a text telling me about the need of
flash 6 to go any further. providing me of two to continue and the second which takes me to the macromedia link...etc...etc.

OK...if I press continue a child chromeless window with my flash movie pops up (no scrollbars...nothing) and the parent window should

Well...actually I've been testing this with explorer 5.1 and it worked fine
but when I test it with Netscape 4.7 a warning message of Y/N closing main window comes across. could I fix this is it possible to close the parent window after the new chromeless window is fully uploaded?

I've read somewhere about opening the window with java script???How??

Sorry about the smilies...I'm new here.You cannot.Is this your site or are U visiting some elses page. If its not your page...then "NO" , but if its yours U can.Thanks Charles for far this is the answer I've been getting from different sources. That is way I'm quiet excited to know what DUMD-DO has got say.

Yep...DUMD-DO... it is my site.Originally posted by Charles
You cannot.
Actually, yes you can. I was quite surpirsed myself to see that this works... :D

Put this code in the head of the window you opened in a new window...

<script language=javascript>
function closeopenerwin()

...and this is the body tag

<body onLoad="closeopenerwin();">

Originally posted by DUMD_DO
If its not your page...then "NO" , but if its yours U can.

This also works cross domain, and, if you want to close your window after you open someone elses in a new window, that is possible as well, just use window.close() after you open the new window. :)