"click here to send information"


hi,<br />
im a very inexperienced guy trying to put together an HTML survey to send to a large email distribution list, but I'm having a few problems. The survey itself is fine, I have basically been teaching myself.<br />
But at the end of the survey (which contains radio buttons, and space for typing extra info), i want to put a button that when you finish the survey, you click it and it will send the results to me in one form or another.<br />
can anyone provide tips on how to send the results back to me, by email? the button itself is not the problem.<br />
like i say, im inexperienced....<br />
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thanks much<br />
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kev<!--content-->you would need to use a server side language, such as php. This has been disgussed quite a few times in this forum. Search for the mail function if you have php on your server, if you have asp you may need to ask them in the asp forum.<!--content-->ok.. so when i get a domain does it need to support php?<br />
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i want to do a similar thing.. a blog.. that posts on the site things i`ve done?<br />
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is there any way without php?"<br />
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thx<!--content-->very easy to do with php/mysql. i wouldnt recommend any other way :)<!--content-->i was planning to send this from home -- is this possible? i have no idea whether i use php or not. but i am trying to find out....<!--content-->