Chrome mysteriously adds 3px to footer width


New Member
The footer at my site Atlantic Sentinel has a width specified at 960px and a max-width also at 960px. It looks fine in IE but Chrome adds 3px to the width. Why, I can't figure it out.Here's the relevant CSS:\[code\]#colophon {clear: both;display: table;width: 960px;max-width: 960px;background: #131313;overflow: hidden;border-top: 3px solid #0099cc;}#colophon .widget {display: table-cell;float: left;width: 22%;margin: 2em 0 2em 2em;background: #000;color: #ccc;text-align: justify;}\[/code\]It's not the margins on the widgets. I've tried removing one, so there's only three widgets, 22% wide, and the extra 3px is still there in Chrome.What am I missing?