Changing Navigation Links


New Member
I m using vbulletin 3.8.2 with cyborg dark blue theme

I want to change the top navigation bar links. I have changed the buttons that i wanted but how to change the links?


New Member
Look for
<td class=vbmenu_control><a href="yourlinkhere"$session[sessionurl_q]">...

The vbmenu_control may vary depending on your skin.

Cyber Devil

New Member
Well...basicly in every code the link goes like this: so where you find this that is the link and the text. In vB the "Your text Here" is replaced by $vbphrase or something
<a href"the link"/>Your text Here</a>


New Member
AdminCP -> Style & Templates -> Style Manager -> click on the <<>> button for the style you want to edit. You will see a list of the templates that make up that style. Some will be in groups that must be further expanded, such as the Navigation / Breadcrumb group. Clicking on the <<>> button next to "All Template Groups" will expand all groups.

At this point finding the navbar is style dependent. Most of the time double-clicking the navbar template will get you to the navbar code, but not always. If you don't find what you're looking for in the navbar template, try the header template.