Change the forum font for each user


New Member
I want to do something similar to this but not exactly this:

I want to change the appearance of all post, not only the user own posts, the posts of all user.

<div id="post_message_$post[postid]">
    <if condition="$post[fieldX]"><font face="$post[field6]"></if>
Each time this code appear, for each user change the value of "$post[field6]". But that I want is the value of "$post[field6]" remains constant, in the value that the user had selected.

Do you understand me?

Example: An user, select in his options to see all post with red font and 15px size. Then, the posts of everybody will be shown in this font, but only for this user.

How to do this?

Perhaps if I would can create an user variable like $bbuserinfo[username] - Username... if this possible?

Please, give me an answer!