Block IE from your forums


New Member
i know theres already a mod for this but i have my own way that will block IE no matter what vesion it is,

my site doesnt display right in any other browser but Firefox so i came up with this

all you need to do is re download your index.php off your site and open it with an editor right after the "<?php" at the top add

   if (eregi("MSIE",getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT")) ||
       eregi("Internet Explorer",getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT"))) {
	Header("Location: http://www.LINK TO YOUR REJECT");

be sure to change

"Location: http://www.LINK TO YOUR REJECT"

to were ever you want IE users to be forward to, for exp. you have a sry page that has a link to download Firefox that you've created

oh and be sure you re upload your index.php back to your site duhhh


New Member
idk lol alot of die hard FF ppl love mods like this tho,

my only point of using it was to redirect IE users to a sry page and i tell them why its like that (cause my site is all scrambled in all browsers but FF)

and i give them a linke to d/l FF

thats all i use it for

and i thought id share it and let the team do w/e they want with it


New Member
RLY??? Ill Try IT out on my site i didnt know that

#edit just tryd to install IE 8 you didnt mension you have to have the latest windows updates for it fuck that for 2 resons

1.Most ppl arnt going to sit around and wait for windows updates just for IE, and what if were running a bootlegged or cutom version of windows, alot of ppl dont know what not to update so they still have there free license

2. FF isnt intagrated into windows, therfor it doesent require windows updates and if you know what addons to use and how to tweak its config you can make FF faster at starting up, loading pages, and IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING FF you can make FF Why more Faster Than IE could ever be

and plus FF is all aaround better than IE in everyway, with the amount of plugins themes and everything else.

but if you have a direct link for the IE download i will try it for the die hard IE fanz, and no i dont mean the IE download from microsoft the requires updates, so if you can find me a direct FULL INSTALL with no updates needed ill be more than happy to test it


New Member
all those downloads are from windows or msn which is still windows and they require the updates

like idk if you have WLM

but if you do, remember when you install it you have to be connected to the net cuz it downloads and installs at the same time, by the products the you select in the begining, and the setup file for it i dont even think its 1 mb

well i had a full install for it that is like 160 mb were you dont need to be connected, (Full Install)

so if you can find sumthing like that ill do it, other wise i cant cuz i either

1. dont feel like waiting for windows updates just for IE

2. have a boot legged version of vista and dont feel like going through each security update and ignoring the ones that would disable my key

3. im not that worried about IE


*edit aftrer your edit*

W/e idc, FF is my browser (the best browser) and idc weather or not ppl with IE dont veiw my site i make enough rev off of it the way it is, and if IE users like the scrambled page w/e its all theres all i do is redirect them to a page telling them "This page does not look right in IE if you would like this page to look how its supposed to then you can try viewing it with firefox (D/L Link for FF), If you dont mind using this page in IE Click here To Continue"

So its not rly a block its a redirect, and if IE users dont like it then they can GTFO, cause rly i dont need them


New Member
This modification is pretty pointless, you will loose a lot of traffic to your site. A lot of people still use Internet Explorer, and yes, excluding me.