Bad Experiance:


Staff member
Dear all, There was a security problem on one of my servers... platinum server man. then installed phpsuexec and has done some hardening.. but while doing that they have closed ssh port and no one can connect to ssh to the damage done by phpsuexec (some of client sites not working and need to be repaired)... And because of that we have posted 9 tickets in 1 day... and platinum is not wiling to solve that ticket because SLA tells that they can solve only 2 tickets in 24h ... here is transcript of their response... Our SLA resolution period is 24 hours per ticket in sequential order. If you open 9 tickets in 1 day, that does not mean that we guarantee all 9 tickets will be completed within 1 day. This is clearly stated in our terms of service. To avoid any confusion or accusations of us breaking our SLA, I have annotated your account to only accept 2 tickets at a time. No, that means 2 tickets opened concurrently. So if you open 2 tickets, you will have to wait until they are done until you can open more tickets. This is to avoid any accusations of us not completing tickets within the guaranteed period. We guarantee each ticket will be done within 24 hours. As I said before, obviously this does not mean that you can submit 9 tickets and expect them to all be done ... we have over 200 users on that server and now we have to wait until datacenter restores ssh port (firewall) ... and platinum screwed up... what kind of server managment is managment which screws up the server??? Thank you for reading this and please post your opinion...Are you sure they didn't just change the SSH port rather than close it completely? I think to get the full side of both stories, it would be good to post the full ticket they have not changed the port because they can't connect to ssh (they told my boss) and we need to call datacenter so that people in the datacenter reset and configure the firewall so that platinum can connect again... you will get full transcript soon... thank youThank you! But i would like to find some new and good server managment... can you give me some review? tyThis should be moved to another section. I had bad experiences with them too. Steer clear.This should be moved to another section.And moved. :wht:It looks like he decided to post only what makes him look good. Here's the full story, both sides of it....

To start with, he has been a customer for almost 1 year, he hasn't had any complaints before yet has anyone seen a positive post by him ever? No. Because most people never take even 1 minute to make a positive comment when they are satisfied, and the 1st time something goes wrong they just can't wait to run and complain. In almost 1 year he submitted "370 TICKETS" for only 2 servers and he hasn't had 1 minute to make a positive comment on us, yet the "same" day he has a problem he comes here to start a long negative post right away.

Thankfully though there are some people who do take the time to post positive experiences and if you search our name (psm or platinumservermanagement) on webhostingtalk you will find "hundreds" of positive reviews on us, plus we are recommended by several of the large popular unmanaged datacenters too.

While we try to satisfy 100% of our customers, realistically that is not always possible for any company in the world. We've been in business for over 7 years, and currently provide support to over 2,100 servers monthly. It is absolutely impossible for any company, especially of our size, to not have a single dissatisfied customer, and he is just one of "very few" dissatisfied customers.

Regarding the ssh port change, we get hundreds of requests per month to change the ssh port and I will be the first to admit that we are human and it is within the realm of a realistic possibility that we make a mistake once and a while. It was a minor harmless mistake to not to update the apf config with the new port. There was no damage done and nothing that wasn't very easily repairable. But I looked through all your tickets and I do not even see any request where we were the ones who changed the ssh port. As I said, it is possible, but I just don't see that ticket. If you can paste the ticket number here, that would be appreciated.

As far as the ticket limit, he submitted "31 TICKETS" within the last "48 HOURS" alone, and then had the audacity to complain that 9 of them took longer than 24 hours! I find that to be a grossly absurd complaint. We explained to him that our SLA clearly states that it can take up to 24 hours per ticket. Just because he feels like submitting one ticket just about every hour for 2 days straight does not mean they will all be done within the "same" 24 hour period. This is just plain common sense and it is even clearly states it in our terms of service too. So we said to avoid any further false accusations of us not meeting our SLA, we will limit the 'concurrent' amount of tickets he can submit. This means that he can submit up to 2 tickets at a time, and as soon as one is resolved he can submit another ticket. I think this is more than fair under the circumstances. This does not limit the overall amount of tickets he can submit and still has unlimited admin time as we offer to all of our customers.

I feel it is nothing short of ungrateful to then come here and complain about this. It is out of sheer ill will to do so. Not only did he never mention any of the previous month's positive experiences, but he didn't even include all the details vitally pertinent to this incident.

If anyone has any other questions about this, feel free to contact me directly.

To the competitor who posted here trying to grab him as a client, you can have him, be careful though, because if you don't answer every one of his hourly ticket submissions right away, he'll be complaining and bashing you next!Hello, First i would like to comment... it's true that i have not posted a good review for you... why? ... i was happy with your services but also i thought that i get what I pay... I think i didn't get anything that i have not payed... that is ok, but also i am no very very happy so i could tell here they are the best.. i have tried only platinum for now... may be they are the best... they have solved our every problem... that is true... but now while i am posting here there are 200customers on my server that have problems because of phpsuexec etc... Second... I think that some support service should not have limits... may be it would be better that package 1 has limit and cost lets say 30$ lik now... and package 2 has something better and costs more... that would be ok... but this is not good because i am a user and i need your help... also... may be if the server was managed good we would not have so many tickets??? (that is only a may be) ... we don't post tickets like "hello, how are you etc..." :) we post tickets because our users have problem whit server... i don't know do they have problems whit server because server is bad managed or they have problems because they are begginers in this... i have not posted this to tell everyone that platinum is very bad or something... i was happy whit platinum services... but i have not expected this kind of error/problem/mistake... also if i was very very happy with your services and i thought i get more then i pay... i would post here a good ref.... but just for you knowing.. anyone who asked me what server managment I use... i told him "Platinum they are the best!" ... just because i have not posted that here does not mean that i have not told other people that you are good and quality server managment... thank you and I am sorry for this bad review but a bad review can also be a good review... depends how you look at it... Have a nice day!i dont think you have to be overly pleased to make a positive comment, afterall wht is a place for all types of reviews, not just negative reviews. :)

so if you werent overly pleased, you still couldve come and said "they were ok" or at least said something, because the fact that you only posted when you are disatisfied makes you look bad and that you are only doing it out of revenge which doesnt even make the review reliable thenIt does look bad being a customer for a year, then posting about them only because you had trouble. You said: we don't post tickets like "hello, how are you etc..."I don't think it matters what kind of tickets they are. Anyone posting multiple tickets a day with only 2 servers is definitely expecting too much from PSM. Their job is to manage your servers, not your customers. I do agree with what you said about packages. Maybe they should limit the number of tickets per month with their basic package and offer a bigger one for those who keep them busy.I am curious though. If you have been posting more than 1 ticket a day for the last year, what kind of tickets are you posting? It sounds to me like you want them to manage your servers and your customers as well.Hello, First i would like to comment... it's true that i have not posted a good review for you... why? ... i was happy with your services but also i thought that i get what I pay... I think i didn't get anything that i have not payed... that is ok, but also i am no very very happy so i could tell here they are the best.. i have tried only platinum for now... may be they are the best... they have solved our every problem... that is true... but now while i am posting here there are 200customers on my server that have problems because of phpsuexec etc... Second... I think that some support service should not have limits... may be it would be better that package 1 has limit and cost lets say 30$ lik now... and package 2 has something better and costs more... that would be ok... but this is not good because i am a user and i need your help... also... may be if the server was managed good we would not have so many tickets??? (that is only a may be) ... we don't post tickets like "hello, how are you etc..." :) we post tickets because our users have problem whit server... i don't know do they have problems whit server because server is bad managed or they have problems because they are begginers in this... i have not posted this to tell everyone that platinum is very bad or something... i was happy whit platinum services... but i have not expected this kind of error/problem/mistake... also if i was very very happy with your services and i thought i get more then i pay... i would post here a good ref.... but just for you knowing.. anyone who asked me what server managment I use... i told him "Platinum they are the best!" ... just because i have not posted that here does not mean that i have not told other people that you are good and quality server managment... thank you and I am sorry for this bad review but a bad review can also be a good review... depends how you look at it... Have a nice day!Your situation was an emergency,you should have posted one ticket,and set the status to emergency,PSM resolves emergency issues within less than an hour!!They truly rock!i do not think it is ethical of you to come here and abuse them,you have not only hurt their sentiments by being ungrateful but also earn yourself a bad reputation on WHT.You should apologize to PSM, and request them to take out the 2 ticket limit.If you do migrate to another server managing company, you are going to be in for a great fix!!!I am owner of Fiuhost and I wrote down this tickets.I will explain all what it was been.

Yesterday Platinum installed phpsuexec so that they can easily track hacker attacks.They told to methat maybe problems with php websites will arise,I know for that.And problems arised,customers had 500 internal server error. I sent ticket and sent request to hardening server. After that ssh went down approx 12 hours and noone can get into server as root.Why ssh fall down=From datacenter told me that in apf configs someone put default variables and ssh stop worked on port.Who reset values - PSM?How they reset - I think with new isntallation of apf (apf was installed on server almost 2 years ago).And tickets was on hold.Today I wake up this morning and 9 ticket was on hold. After this I sent ticket with following text:

Problem: Dear all,
>> 9 tickets are still opened from last nigh

I received answer:

Our SLA resolution period is 24 hours per ticket in sequential order. If you open 9 tickets in 1 day, that does not mean that we guarantee all 9 tickets will be completed within 1 day. This is clearly stated in our terms of service. To avoid any confusion or accusations of us breaking our SLA, I have annotated your account to only accept 2 tickets at a time.

Thank you,
Technical Support

After this I wrote:

Problem: Can you please explain to me what means "2 ticket at a time"?Tha means 2 tickets per day or?

They responded:
No, that means 2 tickets opened concurrently. So if you open 2 tickets, you will have to wait until they are done until you can open more tickets. This is to avoid any accusations of us not completing tickets within the guaranteed period. We guarantee each ticket will be done within 24 hours. As I said before, obviously this does not mean that you can submit 9 tickets and expect them to all be done within the same 24 hours.

After this customers again started to calling me and I dont knopw what to tell to them,and I wrote again to psm:
Problem: I understand,but on your webpage stands that I can open many tickets but I will not force you to settle all of this in 24 hours.Before you settled me all tickets in 6-12 hours but now my customers suffer because yesterday ticket was not solved at the time - so I am not satisfied.I will not brake your sla but you annoted me with only 2 opened ticket.I will not pressure you to solve in 24 hours but before in last 8 months you always solved in max 12 hours - now passed more than 24 hours.

They respond:
We are not limiting the amount of what that you can submit. You can still submit as many tickets as you want, but the first tickets must be completed before you can submit more tickets. You opened 9 tickets yesterday and in LESS THAN 24 hours you opened this ticket asking why they were not done yet.

We guarantee each ticket will be resolved within 24 hours. For you to ask why 9 tickets submitted in 1 day are not done in less than 24 hours is considered abuse and unfair to other clients.

This matter is closed for discussion.

2 hours passed and I received email:


Your account has been closed for abuse.
A refund of the current month has been issued.

Thank you,
Technical Support

After that I cvannot login to psm anymore.

They closed it.

In last 8 months I didnt have problems with psm.They responded very quickly in the past.In few days not.

SO if PSM think that I am not good customer for them and that I abuse rest of their customer,thats ok.

I will never tell sorry to them,I paid always my bills on time and for that what I paid I got it,now for that what I didnt got they closed my account and they told me to get refund.

I found new managed company and they settled all problems in 20 minutes.I'm sorry all but PSM is the BEST server company that I have ever run across, they have a strong solid good reputation here and if you've been a customer for them for almost a whole year, havn't complimented them once, but when 1 bad thing goes wrong your quick to run to the forums and spill your experience because you are so unsatisfied with them at this moment. In my opinion, PSM is a solid company, their price is friggin awesome and affortable just the way I like it and they are very helpful in everything they do and done to me.

I am owner of Fiuhost and I wrote down this tickets.I will explain all....

I'm sorry your not happy with their service because of 1 spill, if you've stuck with them for 1 whole year or 8 months .. whatever, you must have been satisfied with them, but when something goes wrong and your not happy now why would you post here? Not to mention, don't try and apologise in a long response back to show your sorry. Ethan has been running that company for a long time, he is well aware of what the hell he is doing, as well as his staff. If your actually going to sit their and think you can bash on a solid company like that, think again cause Im behind them all the way. If he closed your account, he felt you were an abuse to his company and clients, he was nice enough to offer you a refund for your month, thats pretty nice. Most companys, will shut your account and say bye, push your outside, close the doors and lock them.i agree with you Frimon86, the original poster doesnt realize how bad he is making himself look, he is giving his own company a worse reputation out of this than anyone else lolProbably the OP was to hasty to get here and complain but PSM doesn't look good in the picture by closing the client account and not solving a problem, that may have been caused by them. For a potential client it does not sound good....Cheers,Probably the OP was to hasty to get here and complain but PSM doesn't look good in the picture by closing the client account and not solving a problem, that may have been caused by them.

For a potential client it does not sound good....


i saw in psm's response they asked for proof that they even made the mistake and the OP never replied with anything, so as far as all of us know, psm did not make the mistake

anyways, i dont know any provider that would allow a customer abuse there service, then publicly bash them, and still keep them as a customer. i dont see anything wrong with what psm did, i wouldve cancelled them too without a refund. anyone would be crazy to keep someone like that as a customer. at least psm was profressional and courteous enough to give them a refund.i saw in psm's response they asked for proof that they even made the mistake and the OP never replied with anything, so as far as all of us know, psm did not make the mistakeIts your opinion. I read differently. I see PSM stating that "maybe" it was their fault:Regarding the ssh port change, we get hundreds of requests per month to change the ssh port and I will be the first to admit that we are human and it is within the realm of a realistic possibility that we make a mistake once and a while. It was a minor harmless mistake to not to update the apf config with the new port. There was no damage done and nothing that wasn't very easily repairable. But I looked through all your tickets and I do not even see any request where we were the ones who changed the ssh port. As I said, it is possible, but I just don't see that ticket. If you can paste the ticket number here, that would be appreciated.Also i don't see yet if they closed the account before or after this post...Anyway, and again in my opinion, if there is a remote chance that PSM did a mistake, and mistakes can be made, solving the case would be the right option and then close the client account and issue the refund they seemed fit.That is what i would expect from a company that we worked with. If there is an issue of abuse, notify the client and close the account, but if there is a possibility of a mistake somewhere solve it first.Again this is only my view on the subject as a potential client. I am not stating they are good or bad, since i have no experience with PSM nor am i defending the OP that instead of solving the problem (calling, mailing, whatever...) comes here trashing the company's reputation.CheersThe problem with the SSH port was "already" solved yesterday. His account was closed today. We would not have cancelled his account in the middle of a problem.

But we still have no proof that we were the ones who made the mistake. As I said, it is possible that we made the mistake, but it would be nice to see proof when being accused. If he can't provide any proof, then that makes his position even worse.I am glad to see that you solved the problem first and then terminated the business relation. That really puts your company under a different light. I must say that PSM is in out shortlist for services we are going to need in a near future. Glad to see that our choice to shortlist you guys was not a mistake.Cheers,Well, I have never had any problem with psm. The have always been polite, fast and gives the best suport I have ever had.

I have been submitting several tickets same time, especially when I have got a new server. And never, never have they complained about this. Every ticket has been solved within about 1-2 hours, even when I have submitted several.

Mistakes can every one do.
Don't understand how you can come running here and complain about this. If this had happend to me, I have solved it differently. I would have show them the proof and then asked them to fixit it.

Btw JohnDoe , doesn't you have Gossamer Threads installed? Psm have installed it on all my servers when doing a security hardening.
If you had installed, it's easy to edit the apf config file and restart apf.I have been with PSM for several months and have had good experiences with them. Sometimes if I submit too many tickets in a small time frame they take longer to resolve and that's understandable. I appreciate everything they do for me. I think that some customers just can't be satified no matter what is done and forget that PSM has other customers to assist too.Mods, i do think this topic should be closed,the person who opened saw where he was wrong and that opening this thread was completely baseless...Raising complaints against a company like PSM is not appropriate.PSM did appear to be good when I started with them as well. I think that they are growing too fast.They now seem to rush through every ticket as fast as they can. They don't seem to really take the time to see what the problem is. Their ticket system is horrible and needs improvement, desperately! For a bunch of techs, you would think that they would have an awesome ticket system. These guys are good for the first month or so, and to do hardening but when you have a real problem call someone else.PSM did appear to be good when I started with them as well.

I think that they are growing too fast.
They now seem to rush through every ticket as fast as they can.

They don't seem to really take the time to see what the problem is.

Their ticket system is horrible and needs improvement, desperately!

For a bunch of techs, you would think that they would have an awesome ticket system.

These guys are good for the first month or so, and to do hardening but when you have a real problem call someone else.

Please PM me your username so I can look into what transpired with your account.cortecds, don't you have anything better to do on the 4th of July than come to wht, signup, search for platinumservermanagement, and write a complaint? what a loser! Also why are you keeping anonymous (no name, no id, no profile)? you think it's ok to complain about someone as long as nobody knows who it is that's complaining? I guess you are only concerned about your reputation, you don't want others to see "who" the "actual loser" really is! And looking at your childish comments in your post, my confidence is in platinumservermanagement that they did nothing wrong and it was your attitude or immaturity that led to whatever caused you to call someone else. I mean, you're even complaining about their helpdesk! Are you buying helpdesk software from them or support?? Who cares how their helpdesk looks. I don't see anything wrong with their helpdesk design but I could care less if it was all text, black&white, or even if it was horribly designed, all I care about is support, that's what I'm buying from them. I've been with platinumservermanagement for quite a while and never had a problem. Their service is excellent and far far outweighs their price. They helped me out of so many jams that I'm greatful to take a few minutes of my time to be able to defend them like I am here. Anytime I have a question I get to speak to the owner of their company and I love that. I pay them pennies compared to what I pay my datacenter and I can't even get my datacenter to reply to emails! I don't know of any other company that provides such a valuable service. It's even more ridiculous that you have the courage to complain about them in a forum/thread of so many positives reviews. You are the one that looks bad, not them. In this thread alone there's about 10 posts from different people that are ALL positive, and only 2 negative!Do you really think someone is going to think that the 2 negative reviews mean more than the 10 positive reviews? I doubt it, they'd be out of their mind if they did. Anyone knows that EVERYONE who is disatisfied WILL complain, and rarely ever post when they are satisfied, and you just proved that theory by signing up only to complain about them and never posting before when you were satisfied in the beginning. So everyone knows that 2 complaints = 2 disatisfied customers, period. But 10 positives = 10 satisfied customers plus probably hundreds more that never take a moment to comment. Platinum, keep up the good work, there's always going to be a small percentage of people that have nothing better to do than complain, even I have those types of customers, but don't let that bother i have on both servers <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) ... and my servers are 3 times better (faster, secure, uptime) ... when we gived our servers to seeksadmin they needed to fix about EVERYTHING ... don't know exactly what was wrong but when they fixed everything... server is just much better :) ... example.. on PSM we had problems like permissions ... users could not upload,delete,edit files in their packages... etc... we asked everyday platinum to fix that... they fixed only user we reported that has got problems but not the whole server... so seeks needed to fix the whole server etc... No one is the best... but some SM (server managments) try to fix the problem and make user happy... and PSM when they saw post here.. just cuted us off ... i am not telling that they are the worst... but they are not the best ;) ... Your situation was an emergency,you should have posted one ticket,and set the status to emergency, seeks solve my normal ticket in 15-40 minutes .. emergency in 5-20 min ... (depending on time posted) ... i could not post one ticket when there was not 1 problem... every day i wake up.. come to my PC and see in mail box 10,15 mail of my users and they have some problems... now i have i wake up... 0 new mails in inbox from users :) ... in beggining we were happy with PSM ... but l8er when we needed more.. they were not good... i don't want to make anyone mad or anything... you think they are good i think they are bad... this is a forum for reviews and there can't be all good review and you can make all customers happy.. may be i am only customer who is not happy... and may be i am not only one :) ... and you can't tell PSM is the best if you have not tried other :) ... thank you all and i am sorry if some one is mad because of this post ... i just wanted to tell other people my experiance. thank youi agree that nobody can really say that a company is the best in the world, because they havent tried every company in the world

for me, i think psm is awesome and i recommend them to anyone that asks me

but know that i have used seeksadmin before and they werent good for me at all, and they have several bad complaints all over about there service, especially now that seeksadmin outsources to india. i dont have anything against indian companies but if i wanted support from india, i would go directly to an indian company, it makes no sense to get support from a company that is getting there support from someone else! seeksadmin is basically an indian reseller, it makes no sense

psm is 100% in the US and there prices are still great and they never let me down. every company has a few unhappy people, its normal as everyone says.i agree ... but if i am happy with service i get.. i don't care is it from india,USA,EU,russia :) etc... i don't care if they are reseller... i just want if i pay forsome managment to get my server perfect and runing... i don't want that my customers have non-stop problems because servers is not configured ok... when i was at PSM both servers were not configured ok... and users had problems... now everything is ok and users are happy... staff from seeks is very polite and friendly... they are on msn, they support ticket, mail and phone... and anything i need i can just ask on msn and i get answer in few sec :) ... As i said ... it does not matter do you get support from india, USA, UK etc... it matters you get good support!! ... oh yes...and seeksadmin even fix bugs and problems in php scripts :) ... so I am happy with them... PSM is good .. depending what kind of support you need... if you need support of maintenance then its good.. if you need support of configuring server so it runs great, gets max of uptime etc... then they are not good (at least were not for me) ... lik i said.. may be i am just one and only unhappy customer... i don't know that.. but i am happy that i moved from them :) thankscortecds, don't you have anything better to do on the 4th of July than come to wht, signup, search for platinumservermanagement, and write a complaint? what a loser! Also why are you keeping anonymous (no name, no id, no profile)? you think it's ok to complain about someone as long as nobody knows who it is that's complaining? I guess you are only concerned about your reputation, you don't want others to see "who" the "actual loser" really is! And looking at your childish comments in your post, my confidence is in platinumservermanagement that they did nothing wrong and it was your attitude or immaturity that led to whatever caused you to call someone else. I mean, you're even complaining about their helpdesk! Are you buying helpdesk software from them or support?? Who cares how their helpdesk looks. I don't see anything wrong with their helpdesk design but I could care less if it was all text, black&white, or even if it was horribly designed, all I care about is support, that's what I'm buying from them. I've been with platinumservermanagement for quite a while and never had a problem. Their service is excellent and far far outweighs their price. They helped me out of so many jams that I'm greatful to take a few minutes of my time to be able to defend them like I am here. Anytime I have a question I get to speak to the owner of their company and I love that. I pay them pennies compared to what I pay my datacenter and I can't even get my datacenter to reply to emails! I don't know of any other company that provides such a valuable service. It's even more ridiculous that you have the courage to complain about them in a forum/thread of so many positives reviews. You are the one that looks bad, not them. In this thread alone there's about 10 posts from different people that are ALL positive, and only 2 negative!Do you really think someone is going to think that the 2 negative reviews mean more than the 10 positive reviews? I doubt it, they'd be out of their mind if they did. Anyone knows that EVERYONE who is disatisfied WILL complain, and rarely ever post when they are satisfied, and you just proved that theory by signing up only to complain about them and never posting before when you were satisfied in the beginning. So everyone knows that 2 complaints = 2 disatisfied customers, period. But 10 positives = 10 satisfied customers plus probably hundreds more that never take a moment to comment. Platinum, keep up the good work, there's always going to be a small percentage of people that have nothing better to do than complain, even I have those types of customers, but don't let that bother you.I wouldn't call someone who has had a bad experience a loser.Just because you had a good experience doesn't apply to him/her.Posting a hate post like this makes you sound childish.cortecds, don't you have anything better to do on the 4th of July than come to wht, signup, search for platinumservermanagement, and write a complaint? what a loser! Also why are you keeping anonymous (no name, no id, no profile)? you think it's ok to complain about someone as long as nobody knows who it is that's complaining? I guess you are only concerned about your reputation, you don't want others to see "who" the "actual loser" really is! And looking at your childish comments in your post, my confidence is in platinumservermanagement that they did nothing wrong and it was your attitude or immaturity that led to whatever caused you to call someone else. I mean, you're even complaining about their helpdesk! Are you buying helpdesk software from them or support?? Who cares how their helpdesk looks. I don't see anything wrong with their helpdesk design but I could care less if it was all text, black&white, or even if it was horribly designed, all I care about is support, that's what I'm buying from them. I've been with platinumservermanagement for quite a while and never had a problem. Their service is excellent and far far outweighs their price. They helped me out of so many jams that I'm greatful to take a few minutes of my time to be able to defend them like I am here. Anytime I have a question I get to speak to the owner of their company and I love that. I pay them pennies compared to what I pay my datacenter and I can't even get my datacenter to reply to emails! I don't know of any other company that provides such a valuable service. It's even more ridiculous that you have the courage to complain about them in a forum/thread of so many positives reviews. You are the one that looks bad, not them. In this thread alone there's about 10 posts from different people that are ALL positive, and only 2 negative!Do you really think someone is going to think that the 2 negative reviews mean more than the 10 positive reviews? I doubt it, they'd be out of their mind if they did. Anyone knows that EVERYONE who is disatisfied WILL complain, and rarely ever post when they are satisfied, and you just proved that theory by signing up only to complain about them and never posting before when you were satisfied in the beginning. So everyone knows that 2 complaints = 2 disatisfied customers, period. But 10 positives = 10 satisfied customers plus probably hundreds more that never take a moment to comment. Platinum, keep up the good work, there's always going to be a small percentage of people that have nothing better to do than complain, even I have those types of customers, but don't let that bother you.Fanboyism at its peak!No one is perfect, PSM might have made a mistake or might have not, you have no right to call him a looser just because he wasnt satisfied. He has full right to post his experience, it has nothing to do with his "ridiculous" courage :)PSM has already admitted they are not perfect and mistakes happen. This is true of any Company / Person.

A question I would like to ask is, "Was a problem created by PSM and not solved by them in a timely manner?"

This is why I ask the question:
Dear all,

There was a security problem on one of my servers... platinum server man. then installed phpsuexec and has done some hardening.. but while doing that they have closed ssh port and no one can connect to ssh to the damage done by phpsuexec (some of client sites not working and need to be repaired)...

An experienced installer knows ahead of time that installing phpsuexec or similar type Service requires the following changes:

- all directories & files with 777 permissions must be changed
- all directories & files with 'nobody' Ownership must be changed
- all .htaccess files with PHP directives must be changed

Now, I'm not sure of the details involved when it was decided to switch to using phpsuexec, but surely PSM was aware of the above and would have done what was needed or at least, informed the Client of such?lik i said.. may be i am just one and only unhappy customer... i don't know that.. but i am happy that i moved from them :)


no doubt the feeling was mutual buddy....

let's wait and see how long it takes you to spit out the dummy and rattle the cot sides when you fall out of bed with this new company :D

owmIf I had one thing to say about PSM is that they are simply the best server management company there is for cPanel based servers.I did use them by the past, I hate they home made ticket system...PSM has already admitted they are not perfect and mistakes happen. This is true of any Company / Person.

Your right. I have nothing else to add to this

I did use them by the past, I hate they home made ticket system...

How come you hate it so much?
They give you all the options a normal stupid over proffesional ticket system does, such as, submit tickets, view tickets on hold, view past tickets. Don't see what much fuss is about. I find their control panel very good and nifty plus it gives help to the resellers for easy customization so their company name isnt found, this is very good for the resellers!I did use them by the past, I hate they home made ticket system...

i agree there ticket system is plain, but they aren't selling helpdesk software, so i dont care

They give you all the options a normal stupid over proffesional ticket system does, such as, submit tickets, view tickets on hold, view past tickets. Don't see what much fuss is about. I find their control panel very good and nifty plus it gives help to the resellers for easy customization so their company name isnt found, this is very good for the resellers!

thats right, it gets the job donei agree there ticket system is plain, but they aren't selling helpdesk software, so i dont care

Some people such as myself love how the control panel is. A control panel is nothing with a bunch of images, "oo look daddy the control panel looks sooo purdy!" she says, "yeah but nothing works.." says dad "and i dont even know how to code, how am i going to put MY logo on here" says the amature developer. PlatinumServerManagement allows a easy to use control panel, and a easy-to-use reseller interface that puts your logo in their without knowlage of html or any other code languages. Another great reason why I love what they have and IMHO I think they shouldn't change anything.What I means is not about the design, but as I can remember we have put a single request per ticket and we only can open ticket once every xx minutes... :rolleyes:What I means is not about the design, but as I can remember we have put a single request per ticket and we only can open ticket once every xx minutes... :rolleyes:

Well no doh!
What is your rush on wanting to open so many tickets in a small amount of time? All of them will get resolved within a resonable amount of time so whats the huge rush?

I belive PlatinumServerManagement does this is because what happens if a spambot or someone gets into your account? Then starts submitting a bunch of stickets, do you really know how fast a spambot can work? Were talking 300 tickets in less than 10 minuets.

Overall I dont understand what the rush on getting your tickets in so quickly for, take your time. Jobs going to get done no matter what anyway so you have nothing to worry about!Sounds to me like the OP needs *proactive* management for his server and a hired tech support guy for the customers.The guys at PSM are nothing but stellar and Ethan runs one of the tightest ships I know. Personally knowing Ethan through a few years of business workings, I know he would never allow tickets to just go unanswered and for his techs to begin slacking. Ethan's reputation at PSM is his bread-and-butter and is the driving force on why he is able to offer the affordable pricing he does. Mistakes happen but Ethan is a made of integrity and will make good of wrong when ever he is physically capable of doing so but to act in a way the OP did here is just a sign of kiddies trying to operate on an adult level. Complaints and disagreements against a company such as PSM should be done in private so the matter can be professionally resolved instead of being thrown about a WHT thread where often times slanderous comments are made that breed lies about someone's character and their company. Ethan is head smart and understands the workings of this industry better than most. And Ethan - hit me up sometime big daddy. It's been too long! I am sorry to only chime in about you when the sh!tzer hits the fan but I hate when companies like yours get accused of wrong doing.I've never used PSM but I've heard a lot of good about them. I have doubt what you say is true, however, there are two types of management - reactive and proactive. While PSM is great for those who need reactive (or ticket-based) management, I don't think its so great for people like the OP. The OP needs constant hand holding. The guys at PSM are nothing but stellar and Ethan runs one of the tightest ships I know. Personally knowing Ethan through a few years of business workings, I know he would never allow tickets to just go unanswered and for his techs to begin slacking. Ethan's reputation at PSM is his bread-and-butter and is the driving force on why he is able to offer the affordable pricing he does. Mistakes happen but Ethan is a made of integrity and will make good of wrong when ever he is physically capable of doing so but to act in a way the OP did here is just a sign of kiddies trying to operate on an adult level. Complaints and disagreements against a company such as PSM should be done in private so the matter can be professionally resolved instead of being thrown about a WHT thread where often times slanderous comments are made that breed lies about someone's character and their company. Ethan is head smart and understands the workings of this industry better than most. And Ethan - hit me up sometime big daddy. It's been too long! I am sorry to only chime in about you when the sh!tzer hits the fan but I hate when companies like yours get accused of wrong doing.Yes which generally only comes by:1) Learn how to admin your own server2) Higher your own personal adminsWow I never have had a problem with PSMI don't know how long it usually takes the mods to review this though, I know they are busy so I don't want to bug them.


