Atheist, what do you think of William J. Murray?


New Member
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Who his mother is the main atheist who got the Supreme Court to ban prayer in schools. Shows how much Atheist know about their own history. Sad!!!<br />
O'Hara disowned William when he converted from Atheism to Christianity.... referred to it as a post abortion. It fits here in 'religion' because the Atheist have come to this section to proclaim their religion. Bocc<br />


New Member

oh, him. never met him... I guess he's just rebelling... perhaps it's just a phase p reverse preacher's daughter type of thing..."the Atheist have come to this section to proclaim their religion."

hahaha ok... that is the way you'd attack a religion I suppose, attack the leaders... I almost don't want to tell you how little it bothers me so that you'll keep wasting your time.


New Member
I think some people need religion to feel good about themselves. If thats him, so be it. Its no skin off my nose, and at least he has not un-done what his mother did.


New Member
I don't think anything of him. Why should I?

And you are mistaken, his mother was NOT the main atheist who got the Supreme Court to ban prayer from schools (which they didn't, anyway)--that was Ellory Shemp.

Nice to see that silly old commandment about "bearing false witness" hasn't slowed you down any.


New Member
Do you mean William J. O'hare, the son of Madalyn Murray O'Hare?

And if so; What about him, and why would a christian be of interest to an atheist who probably wasn't even born when Madalyn came to public notice?

And why the snide, straw-man?

Atheists are not an organisation, any more than people who don't eat Brussels sprouts, are an organisation.

The dishonesty of christians, towards that which they fear, really is beyond the pale.


New Member
We don't have our own "history".

It's not as if we have all formed an atheist club or something with a long and honorable history!

I could not care less if Murray was an atheist or a dedicated servant of Satan. it has noting to do with me.

Madalyn Murray O'Hair was an anti-theist...not an atheist.
True atheists don't dedicate their lives to fighting Christian theory and practice.
O'Hair was a nutjob and so I fail to see how you make the correlation between atheists and anti-theists.

Atheism is not a religion. We are just normal people that do not believe in a god. It's that simple.

Seems like you need to do a little more reading on the subject. Ya ain't quite thur yet.


New Member
at first i thought you were talking about her other son

after reading a little about this just now at several websites, SO FAR i'm pretty much agreeing with Primordius Drool (above)

also, this tell-all Mommy Dearest book he wrote sounds hokey as fvk!

(remember Mike Warnke?)

http// <= read this.
not very!