As Americans stuggle with the concept of a black or female President - would this surprise them ?


New Member
http//<br />
The title for this person is "Her Excellency the Governor General of Canada"<br />
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Her "boss" is the Queen - appointed for a 5 year term on the advice of the sitting Prime Minister she acts as the Crown's representive in Canada and is the Head of State in the Queen's absence <br />
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Our nation didn't fall apart your won't either <br />
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I find it odd that the Americans struggle with 18th century problems <br />
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So is this a surprise to you ?<br />
No that link did not work <br />
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Here try this one <br />
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http//<br />
One more time for the slow people...


Most have said they would greatly vote for Conde Rice if she would have ran.

she fits both of those groups.
Your link doesn't work. Don't know what you're reading about the US though, we know we won't fall apart with a woman as President. It just needs to be the right woman... Condi Rice, Elizabeth Dole for instance.
Americans aren't struggling with the idea of a black president and I'm really tired of hearing that lame excuse. Americans don't want an inexperienced socialist in office.

And sorry, but I don't think the U.S. should look to Canada as a role model for politics. We have enough liberals here, thanks.
For America to get out of its 18th century mindset, It has to first get out of its 17th century one.
Most of the USA has no problem with a President who happens to be black, or a woman.

Most of the USA DOES have a problem with a Black President or a Woman President.

There is a difference.

Our President is supposed to represent all of us. When they call upon those they represent to support them, and it's not ALL of us, I get very uninterested in them as a leader.

I'd feel equally unpleased with a White President.
i'm not struggling a bit,i'm hoping john will convince condi to run for v.p. and then only serve one term. then she can kick hilly's a$$ in 2112.
With exceedingly few exceptions, Americans were not against Hillary because of her genitalia, or Obama due to the color of his skin. We don't trust these two because they're so far to the left as to be in danger of capsizing.

BTW, comparing the Governor-General to the President of the United States is ridiculous. The biggest decision on her plate is which pair of shoes to wear when she cuts the ribbon at the new Wal-Mart.