Approve HTML signatures


New Member
To avoid security risks (and general page mess-ups by users who are inexperienced at HTML), it is generally not a good idea to allow HTML in signatures. However, the annoying fact is that most people have perfectly legitimate reasons to want to use HTML in their signatures, and many of them know what they're doing and won't forget to close table tags that will embed the rest of the page into their signatures. Wouldn't it be great if you and your moderators could just look over the code of all HTML signatures before they actually get put on the forums? Well, look no further.

Admin and approver features:

- Fully phrased
- Specify groups which can approve HTML signatures in the Admin CP (moderators, super moderators and administrators by default)
- View list of all unapproved HTML signatures by clicking an unobtrusive link at the bottom of every page
- View and edit a single HTML signature's code without having it executed on the page or preview it after making sure it does not posess any obvious security risk