[announce] EDI/EDIFACT Standards Reference


New Member
A new EDIFACT reference (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.************.com/edifact/">http://www.************.com/edifact/</a><!-- m -->) has been published and includes the following features:

* All versions of EDIFACT and UN/CEFACT files are included, from D93A to D40B.
* Cross references show which tables, elements, segments and messages are available in each version, making it easy to see what has changed.
* Syntax versions 3, 4 and 4.1 are all included.
* Graphical trees of the segments used in a message are available.
* A Javadocs-style view is available.

Using this along with the annotated output of the Stylus Studio native EDI adapter (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.************.com/edifact_to_xml.html">http://www.************.com/edifact_to_xml.html</a><!-- m --> ) can simplify the task of building EDIFACT (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.************.com/edifact_to_xml.html">http://www.************.com/edifact_to_xml.html</a><!-- m -->) applications and troublshooting legacy and XML data integration projects.

The Stylus Studio Team (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.************.com">http://www.************.com</a><!-- m -->)