[ANN] Schr鰀inger V1.0.1 - easiest JSP development


Staff member
Schr鰀inger is the combination of Apache Tomcat with a nice, clean Swing GUI. It provides an easy way to create and test JSP and Servlet Web applications. Features are: integrated Tomcat 4.1 server, HTTP-Inspector, fast server restart (ap.2 sec.). You can get the freeware from

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.micromata.de/en/M_tec/schroedinger">http://www.micromata.de/en/M_tec/schroedinger</a><!-- m -->.

Focus of the version 1.0.1 of the JSP development tool Schr鰀inger was on the integration in the specific operating systems, bug fixes and the support of Rendezvous. This technique presented by Apple in the summer 2002 implements the IETF Standarf "ZeroConf" and enables the usage of so-called "ad hoc" networks without any configuration. Schr鰀inger uses Rendezvous, in order to make a JAVA Web application known as HTTP service in the LAN. Schr鰀inger enables this service even for non Apple operating systems. Only one Rendezvous capable Apple, Linux or UNIX computer in the network is needed, in order to make this feature for all Schr鰀ingers usable.