Ambient Lighting ported by Theprophet 3.8.0[/Final]

!!! Only when vS-Hide.Hack.Resurrection.Expanded.v3.7.1.for.vBulletin.3.5.-.3.8.PHP.NULLIFIED-vBLider is installed you can do this !!!

If you want a clean legacy postbit edit template# thanks_postbit and replace all code with this:

<if condition="!$vboptions['legacypostbit']">

	<if condition="$show['post_thanks_postbtn']">
		<a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]thanks_mode=add&postid=$postid" onclick="return !thanks_do($postid);"><img src='$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/thanks.gif' alt="$vbphrase[say_thank_you]" title="$vbphrase[say_thank_you]" border="0" /></a>
	<else />
		</if> = $post_thanks_count $vbphrase[for_this_post] / $user_thanks_count $vbphrase[total]
<else />

<div style="margin: 10px 0;">
<div class="postbit_box">$post_thanks_count $vbphrase[for_this_post]</div><div class="postbit_box">$user_thanks_count $vbphrase[total]</div>


Only if you "Use Legacy (Vertical) Postbit Template"
thank you, im going to attempt to install it now, its my first ever try at making a forum, hopefully i wont run into too many problems
For some reason none of my images are showing, I am just getting a blue? where the image should be, I also got this on another style. I have tried a different browser and even reinstalled vbulletin. Can anybody help me?
AveUgotaWkdSide said:
I have now got the style working but the border isn't showing, any help?

Strange it did not work on your install, but check your image paths in the header, and footer.

Did you upload the style to /images ?
Cokaric said:
Thx, great skin but can u provide xml for large skin, this xml is thin skin.

Goto your admincp --> Styles & Templates --> Style Manager --> select option "StyleVars" and hit go.

Edit the pixel width you like to have here:

Main Table Width (pixels or percentage)
(This is the width of the table that contains all your vBulletin content)
TheProphet said:
Goto your admincp --> Styles & Templates --> Style Manager --> select option "StyleVars" and hit go.

Edit the pixel width you like to have here:

Main Table Width (pixels or percentage)
(This is the width of the table that contains all your vBulletin content)

:respect: :respect: