Advanced Image Builder? (c#)


New Member
No idea if something like this exists, but heres my problem...

I need to build an image based off some questions that will be asked on a form. Each question can alter certain aspects to the image. The easy way would be to just create each possible outcome and link based off that. My problem is that there can be thousands of possible outcomes. So I was hoping instead that maybe a component or something similar may exist that would allow me to overlay layers (with trasparencys) to a master image based on selections made on a form to create the correct final image.

Anyone ever do anything like this?


Question 1 asks: what size Box? 2ft 3ft 4ft 5ft
Question 2 asks: what color? blue red black orange
Question 3 asks: what label? label 1 label 2 label 3 label 4

Then the image is generated based off those choices