adding the current url as param to the redirect url in meta tag


New Member
On a page i am redirecting the user to another page in the meta tag pf my page.\[code\]<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=/abc/example" />\[/code\]Now i want to add the current page url as a param to the redirect url so that it becomes \[code\]url = '/abc/example?prevUrl=currentPage.html'\[/code\]I am using jstl tags, trying something like\[code\]<c:url value = "" var="myURL"> <c:param name="prevUrl" value =></c:url><meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url='${myURL}'" />\[/code\]But obviously im doing something wrong. Please help. Or any other way to add a param to my redirect url???