A Search Results Page

Basic Problem is i want to generate a results page showing the houses the search brings back. 10 per page. so there is a header which populates number of records and you can skip through in groups of ten.

very much like most search pages.

any ideas on how this is done



PS My database in access code is VB.Net/ASP.Netyou can use in the select statement (select top 10 * from table name) and take the last id of the last record then passes it to the next page using a hyper link and starts from the last ID you've reached to,,,,
if this solves your problem its ok :) if not then there was a missunderstanding in here
c yathanks mike

but how do i then use that id in the next so that the query starts from that id

say the last record is id=38

how do i start the next query from 38when you make the function that do the select write you should select the ID field with the other fields in this form
(select top 10 UserID,Email,FullName from usersData where UserID > The Parameter passed to the function)
and the param represents the id that the select will start selecting from in case of the first page the parameter will be 0 and in the next page will be the last userid returned from the sql statement, and you can return the last id in a hyper link on a label, which means that all you have to do is creating a label and set the text of it as
Label1.text="<a href=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/SearchResult.aspx?SearchID=(The Value Returned from the function)>NExt</a>"

but be aware that you'll be in need for another function that checks whither there are next records or not ...