$_POST outputs “striptag”


New Member
I'm having a problem with $_POST which I really don't understand...I have a form with a hidden input, value of the hidden input comes from database.I am doing this:\[code\]echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"reactie\" value=http://stackoverflow.com/"$naam\" />";\[/code\]$naam is a variable which is assigned earlier:note: subarray contains data from user reactions. \[code\]foreach($gegevens as $sub_array) { $naam = $sub_array['naam'];}\[/code\]When I just echo $naam, it gives me the value it should have. When I want to get the value of the hidden input, it simply outputs 'striptag'.When I watch the html code, the value of the hidden input is what it should be, and it's not 'striptag'. output in html:\[code\]< input type="hidden" name="reactie" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13803504/school" /> \[/code\]using this to get the value of the hidden input: \[code\]if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) {echo $_POST['reactie'];}\[/code\]When I put text in the value of the hidden input, it works. Why can't I put a string variable in it? What I should get when I post the form, is "school", but what I get is "striptag".