$525+/monthly revenue. Gamepacks.org - Arcade/Media supplier


New Member
Auction Start: $500.00
End Date: 03-07-2007 8:00PM [-06:00:00 GMT]

Gamepacks.org - Sell games, videos, images, and more. Come and place a BID today.

* URL: gamepacks.org
* Established: 8 Oct 2006
* Monthly Revenue: $527+ ~ It varies. Expect much more then this.
* PageRank: 1
* Listed: 1 Mar 2007


The one thing that Arcade webmasters are looking for is fresh content to add to their Arcade to bring back users. This is where this website comes into play. It provides this fresh content for an affordable price. You can offer games, images, videos, jokes, lyrics, songs, templates, and the list goes on and on. On top of offering the content. Arcade owners are also looking for support to install the content. You can offer support for a small fee extra.

Gamepacks.org right now is dedicated to selling the game packs to arcade and media website owners. Currently it is mainly targeted towards offering game packs to phpArcadeScript owners. Targeting other types of scripts is just as easy. I have the sql structures of 6 popular scripts on the market today. Converting one database over to the next is pretty easy, because the sql of each of the Arcades is pretty similar as the next arcade. I created a script that creates game packs for each of these 6 popular arcade scripts. So, creating a game packs is as simple as clicking a link to add the games that you want in the game pack.

I did not market the site to the other arcade script owners, because I got distracted and started to work on other projects instead of focusing on this site. If I did market to the other arcade scripts I could be making a fortune. As you can see from just the sales to phpArcadeScript owners making over $1000 a month is pretty easy. If you look at the prices the other arcade script creators are charging for their game packs you can see why a cheap alternative is needed and why you will win over the arcade site owners. They always want fresh content and you can offer it to them and they will come back for more.

The winner will get my stock pile of content that I have spent countless hours and hundreds of dollars gathering.

1: Game Database of: 3200 Kid/Young Adult games.
2: Adult Games Database: 300 Adult targeted games
3: Video's: 9000 Different types of video's they are from freemediascript
4: Jokes Database: 9000+ different jokes in different categories.
5: Articles Database: 26,000 different articles in different categories.
6: Lyrics Database: 230,000 different lyrics from different artists.
7: Public domain cartoon's, also inside knowledge of a place to get thousands of
public domain old time shows that everyone enjoys.
8: Thousands of funny images Database
9: Thousands of Myspace Images Database
10: Celebrity Desktop backgrounds Database: 3100 images
11: Inside tips on where to pick up hotlinked full length movies that can be created into
a database to sell.
12: 600+ public domain, freeware photoshop templates that can be easily created into
Arcade Templates and sold on the website.
13: A completely customized paypal digital goods script recoded by myself with a custom made high quality template.
14: Hi quality renders of popular cartoon characters.

The sale also includes:
15: 6 Different SQL structures to arcade scripts databases.

16: An easy to use game pack creator just needs phpArcadeScript to be able to create gamepacks into there different type of Arcade scripts.

17: A game pack installer created for phpArcadeScript to easily install game packs that you have created.

18: *An easy to use firefox extension that collects arcade games from those add this game to your website. It also collects myspace video抯 (flv). This extension requires a licensed copy of phpArcadeScript in order to store the files properly. It uses a server to server transfer. So no uploading and downloading of content is needed.

With this site you are not allowed to directly sell all the content on the site. You are selling the installer and database and including the content for free with the installer and database. Most of the media/content is original owned by someone else and is allowed to be freely disturbed. I must make clear all original copyrights remain with the original creators of the content.

I am starting this sale off at $500.00, because of the time, effort, and cost to create the website. The content alone of this sale is worth over $700. I am not going to list a Buy it now price on the auction.

Revenue Details:
Screen Shot Here

Combination of onsite and off site sales. In Dec/Jan I closed down the sales of the packs on and off site, because I rewrote the paypal payment script for the website. The sales include on forum advertisments that the website did not process the sale. Sales also include a installation help fee and follow up support fee's. I did not start accepting payments to the gamepacks.org email address until later.

See screenshot for paypal payment proof.

2/14/2007 - $5.00
12/4/2006 - $5.00
12/1/2006 - $59.50
11/30/2006 - $125.00
11/25/2006 - $40.00
11/20/2006 - $300.00
11/7/2006 - $5.00
11/3/2006 - $5.00
11/1/2006 - $10.00
11/1/2006 - $40.00
10/29/2006 - $75.00
10/8/2006 - $70.00
10/26/2006 - $5.00
10/24/2006 - $20.00
10/21/2006 - $5.00
10/19/2006 - $10.00
10/18/2006 - $30.00
10/13/2006 - $25.00
10/11/2006 - $105.00
Total: $939.50

Traffic Details:

Websites linking to gamepacks.org 9
Listings in Google 27
Listings in MSN 109
Listings in Yahoo 2

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