Genesis 19, Lots daughters?

The whole Sodom and Gomorrah myth is filled with the same kind of unbelievable insanity.

1) The cities on the plain were already condemed to destruction LONG before the attempted 'rape' by the men of Sodom. In Genesis 19 the 'angels' announce their MISSION is to destroy the cities. They are merely sent to warn Lot to get his butt out of there.

2) If Sodom was such a notoriously sinful city why did LOT settle there to begin with??

3) If the men of Sodom were all homosexuals, what the hell did Lot think they were going to do with his daughters...set up a quilting bee???

4) If all the men of Sodom were homosexual why would LOT have affianced his daughters to two of them...who were consequently destroyed with the other men of Sodom???

5) Only Judeo/Christian bigots could so badly misinterpret their own Scriptures. The sins for which Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, as is attested by Isaiah, Ezekial, Amos and Zephaniah, were NOT attempted sodomy, but pride, selfishness, excess of food, hautiness, grinding the faces of the poor, inhospitality. But for Christian bible thumpers to have to ADMIT this means that they will have to give up their favorite, all-time bigotry...hatred of gay men. They would rather DIE!

Try to imagine a SANE god who would allow Lot to pimp out his own daughters to a bunch of alleged sodomites, and THEN let the drunken old fool incestuosly impregnate BOTH of them?????? Is this a god anyone with a brain would willingly follow????
How would it discredit Christianity? Christianity didn't come along until long after. Do you mean Judaism?
Women were property.

The sin of Sodom, was NOT sodomy, it was inhospitality.

The people didn't know that the visitors were angels, and if I recall the text correctly, it states that they were, but does not indicate that Lot knew.

But Lot invited them into his home, nagged them even.

Now this would have annoyed the people of the city, no end.

Strangers carried news, and the people would have been hungry for the same, but instead of allowing the strangers to spend the night at a tavern, where they could have shared their news.
Lot, badgered them into stopping at his house.

Whether that was out of altruism, or one-up-manship, the bible doesn't say, but the fact that he offered his daughters to the town, as a bribe, thus destroying any value they would have as wives, suggests altruism.

So Lot protected two strangers from a town that seemingly, would have allowed them no peace.

He upheald the rules of hospitality, when the rest of the city would not.