Complete Wordpress/Vbulletin Bridge - Share Users And Postings


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This mod bridges your Vbulletin users over to Wordpress. You can also use Vbulletin as your comment engine instead of the spammy one built into Wordpress. You can display the comments inline in your post. You need not use the comment feature, if your only interested in sharing users.

You can map your Vbulletin Usergroups to Wordpress Usergroups and those users will then be recognized as registered Wordpress users.

For example, user "Joe" registers at your forum and logs in. Joe then clicks on your Wordpress page. Joe is instantly added to the Wordpress user base with the permissions you set for his usergroup. In otherwords, if a user comes over belonging to the "Registered User" group, you can select that he is placed in the Wordpress "Subscriber" usergroup.

If you change a users group from vbulletin, it will automatically change in Wordpress.

DOES NOT and WILL NEVER support Wordpress MU.
Wordpress and Vbulletin scripts must reside on the same physical server.
Wordpress and Vbulletin must use the same domain name.
Stable Wordpress Version greater than or equal to 2.5.
If your WP login name is the same as your VB username, this user will NOT be ported! If this was the case, you could lose your WP admin rights if there was an error, or if you deactivated the plugin.
DOES work for Vbulletin 3.7.

Please don't ask if it works for any BETA versions of Vbulletin. I do not know and will not convert this to the latest version of VB (whatever it is at the time you are reading this) until the version is released as non-beta.
If you delete a user, you must do so in both Wordpress and Vbulletin.
If you are using XMLRPC to post with applications such as Windows Live Writer, you must change the password of the author in the WORDPRESS admin cp, after the user is ported over from VB. If you are not integrating users, then you do not have to.
Chances are, this will not work when VB and Wordpress are located in different sub domains. I.E. - Cookie issue.
I did the best I could in determining your forums file path with the script. There may be certain script setups that cannot find the file path properly, in which case you may get errors that the script cannot find or open /config.php. If this is the case, please HARDCODE your ABSOLUTE path to the forum in vbridge.php.

To do this find:

## If you are having path problems, uncomment this next variable and define the path
# $vwd = '/some/path/to/your/forum';

And uncomment the last line, and change the path to your forums path:

## If you are having path problems, uncomment this next variable and define the path
$vwd = '/some/path/to/your/forum';

Common Mistakes When Installing:

Using two different host names causes problems. If your forum URL contains, then your wordpress blog URL MUST contain the www. part of also. This goes for any other host name. Browsers are finnecky when it comes to cookies (as they should be).
Editors generally EDIT, not write. In Wordpress, editors don't show up in the post author drop down. This has nothing to do with this plugin, that is Wordpress code.
Make sure you DO NOT create a subdirectory for this plugin in the wp-content/plugins directory. Just upload it directly there.
If the admin username in Vbulletin is the same as the one in Wordpress (i.e. Admin), that user will NOT be able to login to the WP dashboard.
If you do not map users before you turn auto-integrate on, the plugin has no idea whether your allowed into the dashboard.
If you all of a sudden can't login to the dashboard, see the above two common mistakes.
FOLLOW the directions and make a test post first. Being in a rush and not testing will most likely turn out bad for you.
When you create a test user in VB to test mapping users, the test user MUST have an email address. If a VB users email address is blank, they will not map.
I've been looking all over for this plugin! :D

Is there a newer version (3.05) anywhere in a reachable distance?
any1 have lately updated version?

* Fixed issue where CSS was munging scrolling text box when selecting a forum during a post
* Fixed an issue where content encoding was getting screwey between WP and VP creating a lot of unintended characters (only on PHP installs where utf8_decode() exists (most))


* Fixed issue where post count of a user did not change

this is the lastest updated version! : )
i cant get add new post to work.
Warning: require_once(DIR/includes/functions_newpost.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/guildamb/public_html/mmaflush/upload/includes/class_dm_threadpost.php on line 18

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'DIR/includes/functions_newpost.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/guildamb/public_html/mmaflush/upload/includes/class_dm_threadpost.php on line 18

Also how do you automatically map the users?
i have tried everything to hardcore my directory. my directory for forums is under /www/mmaflush/upload
i have tried that
i have tried /mmaflush/upload
i have tried /upload
none of it work.
Call to a member function query_read() on a non-object in /web/sites/user/3/219/101815/public/www/wp-content/plugins/ISO-8859-1__vbbridgeIII_2/vbbridge.php on line 308
i cant get mine to work i did the test post and it showed up on vbulletin but when i turned on auto integrate i cant login to admin panel

i have vb v3.8.1
composee said:
any1 have lately updated version?

* Fixed issue where CSS was munging scrolling text box when selecting a forum during a post
* Fixed an issue where content encoding was getting screwey between WP and VP creating a lot of unintended characters (only on PHP installs where utf8_decode() exists (most))


* Fixed issue where post count of a user did not change

this is the lastest updated version! : )

That added file of yours is not loading the readme.
It's working for me:D

i keep getting this error

Warning: chdir() [function.chdir]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/local/apache/htdocs/forums) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/:/usr/lib/php:/tmp) in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/vbbridge.php on line 40
