ajax call returns 500 internal error


New Member
i have some $.getJSON() calls which work locally just fine but when i upload the script on live server it just throws 500 internal error , i also have some other ajax calls(not json) where some work and some not..i tried to go directly to the file where i call the $.getJSON() but i just wont get anything.. not a simple errorex.\[code\] $.getJSON("file.php", function(data){ console.log(data); });\[/code\]throws 500 internal error..but this:\[code\]$.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "file2.php", data: { val: '1' }, success: function(data){ console.log(data); }});\[/code\]seems to workinside the file.php i check if its an ajax request and then store some values in an array and then echo it as json_encode($array);all these work on local machine but not on live serverEDIT: solution was just to remove and add again the files on the server.