Zombie Connections to MySQL using c3p0 with tomcat


New Member
I'm using c3p0 to manage my Database Connections to MySQL.The problem is that some connections are being hold forever. I have a limit of 1000 connections, but for some unknown reason, there are 1200 open connections. To investigate it, I do this command in the tomcat server shell:\[code\]netstat -n |grep 3306|grep ESTABILISHED|wc -l\[/code\]and it returns 1200here is the c3p0 configuration in \[code\]context.xml\[/code\]\[code\] <Resource name="jdbc/xxxx" auth="Container" user="xxxxxx" password="xxxxx" driverClass="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" jdbcUrl ="jdbc:mysql://xxxx:3306/xxx" factory="org.apache.naming.factory.BeanFactory" type="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource" maxPoolSize="1000" minPoolSize="200" numHelperThreads="10" acquireIncrement="50" maxStatementsPerConnection="0" idleConnectionTestPeriod="200" maxIdleTime = "1000" maxIdleTimeExcessConnections = "180" maxStatements="200" unreturnedConnectionTimeout="10" debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces="true" />\[/code\]How is it possible to have 1200 established connections if the pool max size is 1000?My MySQL server is configured with\[code\]interactive_timeout 28800wait_timeout 1300\[/code\]OBS: I'm not using hibernate in this application (just in a few classes). Most of the connections are made via pure JDBC code.