Zend route xml with dashes and spaces


New Member
I have this problem. I have a route that looks like:\[code\]<Default_Taxonomy type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route"> <route>taxonomy/:type/:tax</route> <reqs type="[a-z]+" /> <reqs tax="[a-zA-Z\-0-9]+" /> <reqs page="[0-9]+" /> <defaults> <module>default</module> <controller>index</controller> <action>taxonomy</action> </defaults></Default_Taxonomy>\[/code\]This is to route the taxonomy/category/hellocatname and it does. But what if i have a taxonomy/category/hello-catname or a taxonomy/category/hello catname ??The regex will not work with dashes ("-") or the with spaces (" "). How can i do it?Thanks