Which Host? I know it depends, but..


I am a bit ignorant about quite what I need, but having read horror stories here and elsewhere, I thought I would ask advice. <br /><br />I am not looking for Free hosting - I am happy to pay. Service, reliability etc are important to me. egI <br /><br />My site will be supported by a database. Database to be Linux not MS (possibly MySQL)<br /><br />I need email and web mail sounds good.<br /><br />Size? maybe 100 pages initially going up towards a 1000 over the next year<br /><br />Data base - product for 100's of lines, not 1000's. If it were in Excel I would expect it to be less than 50MB when complete<br /><br />Any thoughts? I hoped to be able to start small and scale up<br /><br />For reliability, I read another post here that suggests VPS may be what I am looking for?<br /><br />All responses welcome (comments about lack of original question understood)<br /><br />Thansk<!--content-->