What happens when your licence expires?


New Member
I have a license of vbulletin for 1 year. What will happen when it expires?
Will I be able to keep accessing my forum?


New Member
Well if you have a License of VBulletin for 1 year and it expires you got to re-register or refresh the license but u still access forums untill they shut it down that is >.> but not shure if they will shut it down basically you got to just refresh it.


New Member
is it not true when your license expires you will no longer receive support and updates? I dont think they take your forum down as you bought the vbulletin you have and they do not control your site.


New Member
filez said:
is it not true when your license expires you will no longer receive support and updates? I dont think they take your forum down as you bought the vbulletin you have and they do not control your site.

If the license is owned, it doesn't expire, but if you don't refresh it every year you can't get updates or support. If it's leased, in one year the license expires and you are supposed to either renew it or take your forum down.