What gender are my kittens? (With pictures!!)?


New Member
My cat gave birth to two kittens earlier today at 2pm. I'm curious on what gender they are. I'm only able to take pictures with my camera phone so I'm sorry about the bad quality.<br />
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Kitten 1<br />
http//tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2lyzc1&s=4<br />
<br />
<br />
Kitten 2<br />
http//tinypic.com/view.php?pic=ilhg0h&s=4<br />
<br />
<br />
Thanks. )<br />
Sorry about the quality. I wish I could take better pics lol. Thanks for the diagrams though. They helped a little. My kittens dont really look like either of the images, but the black one's holes are a little closer together than the orange one's so I'm guessing black= girl and orange= boy.<br />
It's not the WHOLE kitten. It's just their bottoms.<br />
Thanks guys. ) I'm guessing orange is the boy and black is the girl. Icreated them catster pages just now and added full body pics.<br />
<br />
Orange (Maynard)<br />
http//www.catster.com/cats/858748<br />
<br />
and<br />
<br />
Black (Faye)<br />
<br />
http//www.catster.com/cats/858756<br />


New Member
i really cant make anything of that. compare yours to these and you will know. http//www.vetmed.wsu.edu/clientED/kittengender.aspx


New Member
Sorry, but I can't tell anything by looking at the pictures. You can read the information in the link below to learn how to determine the sex of a kitten. It describes what to look for and also has pictures as examples.



New Member
The way to tell their sex is to think of an upside down exclamation mark (female) and a colon (male). Based on what I could tell from your picures, kitten #1 is probably a male (most orange cats are male, especially if they also have the tabby banding pattern) and kitten #2 is a female.


New Member
Just think of them like people.
If there's a second hole (a slit) it's a girl.
If not, it's a boy!

That's the easiest way to tell IMHO..
The first kitten picture is a boy as 90% of orange tabby marked cats are. The second one is a girl.

Try looking at the web page posted underneath.


Either way they are adorable kittens.