vBulletin Variables List


New Member
vB variables list comes in handy now. Should be useful to all.

Site Statistics:
$totalthreads - Displays the total number of threads in the forum
$totalposts - Displays total number of posts in the forum
$numbermembers - Display total number of members in the forum
$totalonline - Displays the number of total users currently online
$numberregistered - Displays the number of total registered users currently online
$numberguest - Displays the number of total guests currently online
$recordusers - Displays the number of most users ever online
$recorddate - Displays the date on which most users were ever online
$recordtime - Displays the time on which most users were ever online
$activeusers - Displays a list of currently active/online Users (i.e. logged in)
$activemembers - Displays the number of members who are active in the forum
$newusername - Displays the username of the newly registered user
$birthdays - Displays list of users whose birthday is today
$upcomingevents - Displays list of upcoming events

$BBuserinfo Array, this can show anything thats stored in the user table
$bbuserinfo[username] - Username
$bbuserinfo[userid] - User ID number
$bbuserinfo[posts] - Users postcount
$bbuserinfo[signature] - Users signature
$bbuserinfo - User Email Address
$bbuserinfo[homepage] - Users homepage in profile
$bbuserinfo[msn] - Users MSN address from profile
$bbuserinfo[yahoo] - "" Yahoo ""
$bbuserinfo[icq] - "" ICQ ""
$bbuserinfo[usertitle] - Users custom usertitle

[b]$VBoptions Array, these are the options stored in the settings table, i.e things that you configured from vbulletin AdminCP>>vbulletin Options.[/b]
$vboptions[forumactive] - Status of whether forum is turned on/off
$vboptions[bbclosedreason] - Reason why forum turned off
$vboptions[bbtitle] - Forum title
$vboptions[bburl] - Forum URL
$vboptions[hometitle] - Site homepage Title
$vboptions[homeurl] - Site homepage URL
$vboptions[copyrighttext] - Site copyright text
$vboptions[privacyurl] - URL to forum privacy statement
$vboptions[webmasteremail] - Webmaster email address
$vboptions[contactuslink] - contact us URL
$vboptiions[enablehooks] - Status of plugin/hook system
$vboptions[imagetype] - Determine if using GD or Imagemagick
$vboptions[timeoffset] - forum time offset
$vboptions[cookiepath] - forum cookie path
$vboptions[legacypostbit] - Determine if using legacy (side) postbit or new horizontal postbit
$vboptions[use_smtp] - If SMTP mail is enabled
$vboptions[smtp_host] - SMTP hostname
$vboptions[smtp_port] - SMTP port number
$vboptions[allowregistrations] - Determine if new users can register
$vboptions[welcomemail] - Determine if welcome mail is sent on registration
$vboptions[avatarenabled] - Check if avatars are enabled
$vboptions[reputationenable] - Check if reputation system is enabled
$stylevar Array, this contains all the paths to forum images and other style variables that are editable in the Styles and templates >> Stylevars

$stylevar[titleimage] - Path/filename for top banner
$stylevar[outertablewidth] - The width of your forum
$stylevar[spacersize] - Spacing betwen main body and content
$stylevar[cellspacing] - Inner border width
$stylevar[cellpadding] Table cell padding
$stylevar[formwidth] - Form width in pixels
$stylevar[imgdir_buton] - Path for forum buttons
$stylevar[imgdir_statusicon] - Path for status icons
$stylevar[imgdir_attach] - Path for attachment icons

[b]$css array, this is where all the CSS attributed can be located[/b]
$css variables[body][background] - Body background colour
$css[body][color] - Body text colour
$css[body][LINK_N][color] - Body normal links
$css[body][LINK_V][color] - Body visited links
$css[body][LINK_M][color] - Body link hover colour
$css[.page][background] - Page background colour
$css[.page][color] - Page text colour
$css[.tborder][background] - Table border background colour
$css[.tborder][color] - Table border font colour
$css[.tcat][background] - Category strip background/colour
$css[.tcat][color] - Category strip font colour
$css[.thead][background] - Table header background gradient/colour
$css[.thead][color] - Table header background colour
$css[.tfoot][background] - Table footer background colour/gradient
$css[.tfoot][color] - Table footer text colour

[b]Ad Location Template variables:[/b]
$ad_location[ad_footer_end] - Displays content of ad_footer_end template
$ad_location[ad_footer_start] - Displays content of ad_footer_start template
$ad_location[ad_forumdisplay_afterthreads] - Displays content of ad_forumdisplay_afterthreads template
$ad_location[ad_forumdisplay_afterforums] - Displays content of ad_forumdisplay_afterforums template
$ad_location[ad_header_logo] - Displays content of ad_header_logo template
$ad_location[ad_header_end] - Displays content of ad_header_end template
$ad_location[ad_navbar_below] - Displays content of ad_navbar_below template
$ad_location[ad_showthread_beforeqr] - Displays content of ad_showthread_beforeqr template
$ad_location[ad_showthread_firstpost] - Displays content of ad_showthread_firstpost template

$notices - Used to display notices (for 3.7 onwards)
$notifications_total - Used to display total number of unread notifications (for 3.7 onwards)

Credits to vBulletinsetup.com, I just copied and pasted :)