Vbulletin Java Messenger



Vbulletin Java Messenger
v2: instant messenger for instant community.
Hello everyone, first i would like to point this to the 2 year old Hack

now this thread didn't have hardly any support, but after i waited for almost a year now for someone to port this over to the latest vb, i came accross it again a week ago and i said thats it its time for it to get ported, so i went to work going through all the scripts seeing whats needs to be changed

What is this?
this is a messenger for vbulletin that is in jave it uses the forum's user tables from your database to host the user system, so automaticly the users are signed up for the forum's messenger.

What i have to change?
templates - (1)

To install:
i have made the codes work where you upload the VBmessenger folder with in your forums folder, if you would like it else where you will have to edit a few lines which im not gonna go through right now.

upload the folder VBmessenger to your forum root
upload the php fiile marquee.php to the forum root as well

test to see if it works, it should work, if not and it says give VB ID number then go to forum/vbmessenger/sources/vbulletin_3.xx_plugin.php and on line 15 you will see this

$VAR["vbulletinlicenceid"]  = "";
enter your vbulletin id code "code goes here";
if you need help remembering or finding your vbulletin id code, then open up any vbulletin php file and at the top it gives you your id code

How To's
To edit the colours edit the css in the files in the Style folder.
so files:
  • chatwindow.html.php
  • messenger.html.php
  • userbanned.html.php
  • pleaselogin.html.php
  • openmessenger.html.php
Makeing the marquee work rightyou must update this in the marquee.php which is located at this point in your forum root

echo "<tr>\n";
    echo "<td width=\"$marquee_width\" style=\"border-bottom: 1px inset #000000; background-color: #4C6CA4\" onMouseover=\"this.style.backgroundColor='#607DAE';\" onMouseOut=\"this.style.backgroundColor='#4C6CA4';\">\n";
    echo "<font size=1 face=\"Verdana, Arial, sans-serif, Helvetica, Times\">\n";
    echo "<b><a href=\"http://domain.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=" . $latestthread['threadid'] . "\" target='_blank'>" . $latestthread['title'] . "</a></b><br>\n";
    echo "Started by: <a href=\"http://domain.com/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&username=" . $latestthread['postusername'] . "\" target='_blank'>" . $latestthread['postusername'] . "</a><br>\n";
    echo "Last Post by: <a href=\"http://domain.com/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&username=" . $latestthread['lastposter'] . "\" target='_blank'>" . $latestthread['lastposter'] . "</a><br>\n";
    echo $numreplies;
    echo "\n</font>\n";
    echo "</td>\n</tr>\n\n";

How to add instant popup link instead of going to the domain.com/vbmessenger/ index to open messenger
add the following java to the header:

<script language="Javascript1.3">
function launchbbm()
    s001 = window.open("index.php?func=m_frameset", "", "width=233, height=450, address=no, toolbar=no, status=yes");


then where every you want your link add the link like this:

<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="launchbbm()">your link</a>

or any other type of link you want be it a image or what main thing is that the link stops as:

href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="launchbbm()">

because thats calling the java.

You must add the javascript to the "headinclude" template for your forum, and you have to edit the code to reflect the proper path to your forum or else all you will get is your forum main page when you click the link.

Support and Help​
I will try my best to help with anyone's problems but i can't offer full support im not extreamly good at codeing nor debugging, but i can try and help to my best.
i also don't mind if anyone helps fellow users with support that would be nice.
i tired to make the code as easy as possible to install with no bugs, the only thing you would need to change is probably on some boards maybe ur Vbulletin ID number thats about it, otherwise upload zip and enjoy


New Member
anyone got a link to this mod in vb.org to see if there is any issues with it

EDIT: thanks i found it


New Member
Don't waist your time on this, it doesnt even work if you have a license (I know, since I tested it and have a license).


New Member
Hello! Nice job, but I have a problem. Whenever I try to access my vbmessenger, I get a HTTP 500 SERVER ERROR in Microsoft Internet Explorer or a blank page in Google Chrome. Can you help me about that? what did I do wrong? How can I fix it?


New Member
Is there a working version for this anywhere at all? I've spot checked numerous threads for this and still to no luck years later there is nothing around that I can find. I'm operating on 3.6.8 nulled. Anyone that can help it would be great!