vBCommerce 1.0.0 GOLD


New Member
I saw some people requesting it because they couldn't get a license or some odd excuse like that so I thought I would post this for them. In order for this to work, you will need vbcredits, which is also free. Here is the post that included the attachment.

Follow These Directions

At long last, this gold version and subsequent updates are available for free to everyone.

There is a lot to understand about how vBCommerce works and you should go through this thread if you haven't yet - it will clear up a lot of questions you may have if this is new to you:
vBCommerce Progress - vBCredits.com

I am putting up the product page for vBCommerce during the next few days which will have the same info and a comprehensive feature list.

To go about downloading this zip attached to the post, you must first have a free license for it: vBCredits.com

From there create one for vBCredits, and then create one for vBCommerce as attached to it. FILL OUT YOUR INSTALLATION URL ON THE VBCREDITS LICENSE TO BE EXACTLY WHAT THE LINK TO YOUR FORUMS IS. Failure to do so will result in your installation not working. For each step there is a button you must press for the changes to take effect, its really not that difficult once you get over there and should take at most ten seconds.

Afterwards, you may download and follow the instructions in precisely the order given to you - READ EVERYTHING.

in 1.0.0:

Fixed Bugs
-cpnav links with & libxml workaround
-unbounded data input values are blank instead of 0

-Unlimited item creation permission for use with hard limit
-template edits are their own templates
-shops / items paginated in admincp
-purchase credits prompt if cash conversion installed and not enough credits
-maintains sessions
-minor performance tuning
-turned off forced redirect messages
-the rest of the shop attributes can be edited in acp

New Features
-undo purchases and clear items per shop and itemtype
-hard delete shops and items in acp
-complete WOL
-fully phrased
-vbcommerce stats can be called anywhere


Don't forget we have a whole bunch of itemtypes you can acquire (some free and some paid) Check them out at the following link! Also additional shops, branding free, and a developer account are all available for sale, so pm me if you are interested.
Itemtypes - vBCredits.com

I welcome your questions and comments, which you can start their own threads for. keep up with your updates! thanks for your patience and support enjoy!

Note: vBCommerce may not yet be suitable for sites with hundreds of active members always on at the same time - unless you think your server can handle it.


New Member
it will never work if it is still not unecrypted and uncracked, because the crypted part contains a callback-home that is activating the engine, once per day...


New Member
yeah.. plus for nulled users it might not be a good idea. If he knows your url.. it's easier for him to report you if he wants....

looks like no vbplaza.. and no vbcommerce.... =\ until someone de-ioncubes...


New Member
Ok, the program is free but from what I gather, the problem is that the owners of vbcredits would have some way of knowing that your forum is nulled? Right.

Would the new keygen nulled forums not fix this problem?


New Member
Error_404 said:
Ok, the program is free but from what I gather, the problem is that the owners of vbcredits would have some way of knowing that your forum is nulled? Right.

Would the new keygen nulled forums not fix this problem?
true. They WON'T know if your forum is nulled. But, they WILL know your forum url, because the program has call backs.

Will they report you? I really doubt it, unless you piss them off somehow.

vBplaza is on the way to nulling soon, so you might want to wait for that instead.


New Member
Kedzi said:
I really doubt it, because vBplaza is made with vBux ...
I think you can still merge them.



It has encoded and has callbacks. They maynot know your board is nulled, but they know your url and could report you.

I would avoid using this hack unless you are using offshore!