vB iGallery (XML Based) + vB iGallery v2.0 (Dynamic) The Ultimate Xperience


New Member
vB iGallery (XML Based) + vB iGallery V2.02

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13th August 2008 - vBulletin 3.7 Bridge Released: Download is now available
vB iGallery V2.0 now available.
More features and very easy installation, optimized and brand new User Guides - also added the fully layered PSD to design your own background images.
Demo V2:

1.01(XML based Only)

vB iGallery 1.01 (XML based only) requires no database to function
(see V2.0 below for full vBulletin bridge to User Albums)


vB iGallery is an XML based gallery, therefore uses no database queries. It uses Papervision3D flash technology, giving you a unique 3D gallery Xperience. Fully tested on default and custom styles, and cross-browser compatible. Coded to work with vBulletin's DHTML menu system, to stop menu's dropping behind the flash object.

This XML version uses it's own album directories - it is not integrated with vBulletin 3.7.x user albums yet. However, this will be done in a future update.

  • 3D Gallery in a virtual world
  • Controlled by mouse and keyboard
  • Various Zoom features
  • Spinning Gallery - mouse controlled
  • Zoom in/out of gallery globe - mouse or keyboard
  • Tooltips available on all images
  • Descriptions show on full image display
  • Override attributes - we list more soon
Full installation instructions are provided in Word and PDF formats, within the download package. Easy install requiring uploading of files/folders and one template edit.

User Guides
English and French User Guides available. French translation by Sofia - Many thanks!

Update due soon
Due to the attention this modification is creating, updates will be available very soon. Update of the iGallery flash file due by weekend will include the ability to import your own logo to top left corner and also allow user change of background image. I few examples will be made available when released.

All images used in the example album have been used with the contributors permission. Please do not remove the copyright in the footer of the gallery page, instructions on removal are in the documentation.

vB iGallery v2.0 (Dynamic bridge to vBulletin 3.7 User Albums)
Download it now, it's bridged to use vBulletin 3.7 User Albums - allowing easy population of iGallery. No XML to edit or to configure. Completely recoded and optimized. FULL documention within download package, in Word and PDF formats.

Additional Bonus Background Package (v2.0 ONLY)

5 New backgrounds have been added for you to download - these have been designed using the supplied PSD template within the Tools folder of the vB iGallery v2.0.

If you receive another notification about an update within the past 12 hours, this is auto-generated by vbulletin.org if the main release post is changed. I have made a few changes to this post due to some confusion between the 2 versions available. Please make sure you download the correct version for your


New Member
thanks for reply but I had manage all installation steps and the ball doesn't still display!

1) I had upload all files
2) CHMOD 777 specific directories
3) moved pics and thumbs into file system
4) set up limit 0,30

do you have any idea for the matter please?


New Member
up! lol

none thumb is loading..

is there something to do with albums? or the URL of thumbnails? i don't understand what form this URL have to take...