Updated AppRiver Feedback


Staff member
I did a search for Appriver and found a few very old threads (one (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=551991&highlight=appriver.com">http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthrea ... priver.com</a><!-- m -->) was from October 2006) and am wondering if anyone has any recent feedback from this company?

I have been talking with their support for a while and they do seem to be quite responsible and knowledgeable, but that's usually the case when they are trying to woo you. Nothing beats practical experience.

Anyone have any comments about their hosted exchange services?Hello. I have never heard about that company before. I suggest you check them your self. Ask them a lot of pre-sales questions and I ask evident things (better at midnight).I'd avoid AppRiver. I just got notice from them that they bounce and fail emails after only 12 hours. It takes anywhere between 24 and 48 hours for DNS changes to propagate through the Internet. Their policy means that valid addresses will fail simply because DNS changes haven't had time to update across DNS servers. Very, very lame.